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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer vapor x4.0 skates, Bauer 4500 Helmets, Bauer Visor, Jofa Gretzky style helmet

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Bauer X 4.0 skates in size 6.5 I wore them for about 20 hours and they broke in nicely. After they broke in they were too big for me and I had to buy a 6. Excellent shape. $115 plus shipping.

I have two Bauer 4500 helmets that have been work about 5 times each. They were helmet/cage combos. One is red and one is black. I just bought them about two months ago. Size Medium for both. $55 plus shipping. Who ever buys the first helmet I'll throw in a bauer aviator visor.

i'm also going to list my old Jofa gretzky style helmet on ebay, thought I'd try it here first. It's black, was bought in the mid 90's and is in awesome condition. there are two small holes drilled on the sides where I had a visor. send me an email if you're interested before I list it.

if you want pics of any of the gear, let me know and I'll send them. haven't used my photobucket account in for ever. my ebay user id is mjpisat. haven't used it in a while, but i have a pretty good rating. never had an issue selling anything.

all prices listed above are in USD$$



I will take good offers.

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