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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shock Doctor Shoulder Support

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Ive been out of competitive/reccie league hockey for over 6 months due to a shoulder injury, basically its taken years of abuse from rugby at the age of 9 followed by more rugby, field hockey and ice hockey. Playing in a match i took a hit (non-contact league but it happens) and have been out since. My shoulder, arm and collar bone are all out of allignment and my arm has a tendancy to just fall out of the socket, ive sneezed it out a few times in the past month haha.

Other sports such as running, and what not just dont do it for me anymore, the specialist said its inoperable as i have hyperlaxity and recoomends i didnt play ever again, but at 22 i want to be able to do things which i enjoy, he suggested a brace if i wasgoing to go back to hockey.

Recently came accross this: https://www.shockdoctor.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/8/4/842-shoulder-support_1.jpg

Has anyone used it or can recommend any other ones, i need something that will keep my arm from coming out but with limited 'safe' movement as it is i dont want to totally eliminate my ability to shoot or even pass.

Any reviews or information from anyone who has maybe had a similar problem or used shoulder braces would be a massive help,

Thanks guys

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I play at a high enough level where we have a training staff, so I get my shoulder taped with that really rigid therapeutic tape and that helps heaps. My right shoulder is in similar shape to yours.

I have a brace similar to the one you showed that works pretty well for me, but over the course of the season I've strained against it enough that it's starting to lose it's rigidity (that's not quite the appropriate word, but it restricts my movement less than it did at the start).

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The specialist didn't have a brace to reccomend?

Could you possible see a doc focuse on sports med or rehab doc? They might have more specific/custom supports instead of something off the rack.

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I use the same brace for my left shoulder after I had dislocated it multiple times over the course of 2 months. I did 2 months of therapy to get the strength back but will ultimatley need surgery if i want to get full ROM and full functionality back.

The brace helps keep the ball of the shoulder tighter in the socket and does limit range of motion in a good way but doesn't get rid of the awkward "my arm is going to fall out" feeling when your shoulder is in prone positions. I just had to get used eliminating the quick/jolting motions like reaching out to deflect a shot or catching a puck in the air with that arm and I've been fine so far. It's been 4 months since the last dislocation and I've been playing 2-3x a week in competitive adult/pickup games without an issue.

I was originally told to use a sully brace but the ones I was finding were very expensive and kinda bulky compared to this. It's pretty slick/low profile, I can wear ir under my shoulder pads and after 2 minutes I forget its there. I would reccomend the brace to help get you by but with the nature of the sport, still a very high chance of easily dislocating the shoulder.

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