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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2012 easton synergy eq pro vs 2012 bauer 4-roll gloves

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I currently have an old pai of bauer 4-rolls that have finally had to be put down. Being someone that does not regularly by equipment I am looking for something that has great performance with lots of durability and also having that old school 4-roll feel. Recently I have had other equipment breakdown and have noticed that the new easton stuff I have gotten (sticks, and e700 helmet) I am really pleased with.

Anyway I have narrowed it down to these two. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I have been using iterations of the 4-Roll since back to the Cooper BDP days, currently have the Pro 4-Roll and love them. If you like to have some room, they are great choice. Also have a pair of Supreme Total One's but they are a little too snug for my preferences, likely to become gloves for roller.

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i like the feel on EQpro. for finger length, bauer 4 roll is shorter than EQ. i've tried both in size 14". but for protection, bauer is much better.

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