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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Otto

Thinking about getting my skates contoured ...

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I hear ya. I got into it with a guy who said that every person should skate with a 3/8" radius. He was shocked to hear I skate in a 7/8". People are retards.

well, it really all comes down to prefference. i grew up with 3/8, i have switched to 1/2. ive tried flatter, but i just can't get comfortable. skating style, weight, rink "conditions" all come into play. i got a buddy that skates at 5/16... personally i think he's nutz and i yell at him when he asks me to sharpen his skates, but thats what he likes... oh well. to each his own. like i said earlier, i was just suppriesed to see 1 1/16...

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It's all part of my master plan. I'm seeing how far I can go without killing myself. Tommorow, we go shallower. I call it operation Paul Coffey. I was told he ended up over 2 and a half so I'm going to see how high I can go. Right now I'm only coaching so its really nice for trying it out, I cannot wait to give some of these a go in a real game though (hopefully after my Exams). I'll definately give an update. It was kind've weird, I felt awkward between 3/4 and 1", but since I'm over it now I feel really good. I've also heard the majority of NHLers are on 5/8.

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One of the contouring guys, Maximum Skate or maximum Edge, in Michiagn and the Smart Hockey guy have all confirmed the pitch difference on the T-Blades. Yes, they don't advertise it as 99% of the world could care less due to ignorance. But, they really do have a difference.

Try this- skate with the same hollow, 13, 15, whatever. Then go from an S to a L...big difference.

No big deal just what I've found to be true in our little world.

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I agree....but he still has some knowledge.

Oh yeah, the TBlade guys confirmed the pitch as well when I went by their booth at the LPH show in Vegas a couple of years ago. I think that was before they were bought. Don't see it in print though.

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Glad to be back...Shameless plug...maybe....But would solve what he is trying to accomplish....

Can't wait to see the new Roller skates we built over there....Should be interesting....

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cough...BLACK PITCH...cough...hairball...

You really need to use some of that hairball remover when cleaning yourself. Side note: anyone remember the SNL sketch where Will Farrell took yoga just so he could.....well.......I think you get the idea.

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