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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Severe Lace Bite

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Hey guys, sorry if this an extremely overused topic, but i need some quick answers, and I'm in desperate need of a solution.

I'm currently skating in the Bauer NXG's, having just recently changed to them from the Reebok 20k's about two/three weeks ago. My lace bite started the first time I put on my skates, but I figured it would just go away after 4-5 skates, not the case. I'm a junior hockey player so i'm on the ice every day and rely heavily on my skates obviously, and its very distracting when everytime i push off and take a stride they hurt quite a bit, on both feet.

I've tried everything I can think of, foam donuts secured on my ankle with pro wrap, gel pads, gel sleeves, a combination of all 3, almost everything. My team trainer has tried her best to fix it. I've tried all 3 tongue inserts on the skates, and even tried taking it out completely, but nothing is working. Loose laces, tight laces, it's always there.

Any help you guys could give me would be great, my next step will be to replace the flex tongue with an extra pair of felt white graf tongues i have lying around, but that's kind of an extreme measure and will take 1-2 days apparently, and I need my skates everyday, so I want to avoid that.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Hey guys, sorry if this an extremely overused topic, but i need some quick answers, and I'm in desperate need of a solution.

I'm currently skating in the Bauer NXG's, having just recently changed to them from the Reebok 20k's about two/three weeks ago. My lace bite started the first time I put on my skates, but I figured it would just go away after 4-5 skates, not the case. I'm a junior hockey player so i'm on the ice every day and rely heavily on my skates obviously, and its very distracting when everytime i push off and take a stride they hurt quite a bit, on both feet.

I've tried everything I can think of, foam donuts secured on my ankle with pro wrap, gel pads, gel sleeves, a combination of all 3, almost everything. My team trainer has tried her best to fix it. I've tried all 3 tongue inserts on the skates, and even tried taking it out completely, but nothing is working. Loose laces, tight laces, it's always there.

Any help you guys could give me would be great, my next step will be to replace the flex tongue with an extra pair of felt white graf tongues i have lying around, but that's kind of an extreme measure and will take 1-2 days apparently, and I need my skates everyday, so I want to avoid that.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

what's your result on the pencil test?

Have you considered the nexus line?

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Whats the pencil test?

And I just bought these skates, discounted, but still a hefty price tag, i'd like to avoid buying new skates if possible.

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Get out of the boots, they don't work for you. Replacing the tongue with a thick felt will stop it for a little while, but it will be back. It's a combination of boot stiffness and lack of depth.

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Ahhh I literally just bought these, not exactly my ideal plan, but thank you for the help, I appreciate it.

what was wrong with the 20k?

the rivets completely popped out of the Tuuk holder, and the bottom of the boot was completely rusted, and I did take out my insoles after every skate, they just started falling apart after 3.5 months of use

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Ahhh I literally just bought these, not exactly my ideal plan, but thank you for the help, I appreciate it.

the rivets completely popped out of the Tuuk holder, and the bottom of the boot was completely rusted, and I did take out my insoles after every skate, they just started falling apart after 3.5 months of use

fact of the matter is: were they comfortable?

is the rust only cosmetic or is the outsole showing some separation? (is it a boot or a holder/rivet issue)

You might want to change the rivets instead and apply some anti-rust product on both side of the rivets...

or if you use superfeet, or any other thicker non-stock footbeds switch to the stock footbeds.

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fact of the matter is: were they comfortable?

is the rust only cosmetic or is the outsole showing some separation? (is it a boot or a holder/rivet issue)

You might want to change the rivets instead and apply some anti-rust product on both side of the rivets...

or if you use superfeet, or any other thicker non-stock footbeds switch to the stock footbeds.

yeah they were comfortable, but the durability was a major issue, they way I beat up on them, they looked like they were gunna fall apart by christmas, if not sooner. I do use superfeet, and i've tried switching back to the stock ones in the reeboks, but it ends up feeling very uncomfortable and painful.

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Sorry for the confusion. Going back to the stock footbeds was addressed at your new nxg. You don't appear to have volume issue with the rbk. but as chadd said if all that doesn't work, get out of your nxg and find a boot that fits with a bigger volume.

here's the pencil test thread http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/35455-the-pencil-test/

yeah they were comfortable, but the durability was a major issue, they way I beat up on them, they looked like they were gunna fall apart by christmas, if not sooner. I do use superfeet, and i've tried switching back to the stock ones in the reeboks, but it ends up feeling very uncomfortable and painful.

explain durability issue...

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Ahhh I literally just bought these, not exactly my ideal plan, but thank you for the help, I appreciate it.

I know it isn't ideal, but it is the only solution that won't result in continued lace bite issues.

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Sorry for the confusion. Going back to the stock footbeds was addressed at your new nxg. You don't appear to have volume issue with the rbk. but as chadd said if all that doesn't work, get out of your nxg and find a boot that fits with a bigger volume.

here's the pencil test thread http://www.modsquadh...he-pencil-test/

explain durability issue...

thread's ripping left right and centre, the rivet issue, the overall lack of stiffness in the boot, seems to give out very easily when I take my first few strides and pivot

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What is the current Profile and Pitch on the NXG?

im not entirely sure, i know there's a forward lean on it, but im not 100% sure

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Well I would be willing to bet it isnt as forward as you may think. I would get the measurements for the front and rear heights. Also check and see if the toe was ever blended in?

Can you explain that last part? im not sure i know exactly what you mean. Im gunna ask my equipment guy tonight when I get there to check the pitch/profile and hopefully give me more of a forward lean if its not up to par. Thanks

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A -1 would cause more Lace Bite? I would suggest that you start with a +2 or I use a 32nds ruler so 1/32nds forward and that should solve your lace bite issue. You can leave a 9ft on there I like to start at 9/10 and go up or down from there.

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