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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The most durable Blade

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I've been using CCM V120 blade for about half a season now (2-4 times a week) and have to say that I'm really impressed! The blade still feels like new and is very stiff still.

Some of you know how much I have had problems with blades' durability. I'm not saying V120 has the best feel of them all, but it isn't bad. I rather use my CCM than my synergy or synthesis (w/ comp blade). And with Tri Flex Gold shaft it has been a good tool for me :)

Thanks CCM guys for making such a durable blade!

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Yeah I have a V20 blade, and it is really the only blade I will use because I have been so happy with it, I just like the feel of it...a lot

EDIT: Eazy...What kind of curve are you? I have the Recchi, and I love the curve!!!

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The problems I had with the vector blades was the curves, shape and toes. I found the actual blade very durable, but the toe got chopped up really quickly. My blade was on the V110, and I didn't mind the feel or stick to be honest, I just don't like have the toes of the blade chipped up.

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Ive gotten tremendous mileage out of my Inno Kovy. Gone through shafts before this blade has worn the slightest bit. Rare for the durability to standup with the performance this much but it looks brand new after close to a year.

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A friend used little Epox glue to the toe of his blade a while ago and still going strong.

In that case I've been using epoxy on my Z-carb and its, been going strong for 9months at 1 game a week, feels a little soft but it keeps the original crack from spreading. It's good stuff.

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The Christian puckmaster (composite) lasted me over 60 game but i never found another one :(.If anyone still have one of those :)

it was called gx2 or something near that (about 8 year ago or near that)

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I think that the Innovative Retail Blades are tanks. I have had a Mogilny Blade for like 3 months and it gets used 3 times a week (1 game and 2 Practices) and its still stiff and looks like new.


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I think that the Innovative Retail Blades are tanks. I have had a Mogilny Blade for like 3 months and it gets used 3 times a week (1 game and 2 Practices) and its still stiff and looks like new.


I agree. After 3 months of playing 4-5 times a week, there are massive chips in it, and it has lost stiffness. I'd definately buy another one.

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I'm agreeing with him that it IS durable. Im just saying that it may have lost stiffness and it may be about to break, but I was satisfied that it stayed stiff for 3 months, considering the amount of hockey I play.

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