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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bio Project

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I have a bio project to do, and he basicly said "you can do anything you want, and its due afte christmas."

I've looked on the net and thought, but havent found anything good. I was thinking maybe something to do with the effects of different soil with plants and stuff, I dont know.

If any of you have any ideas or remember anything you did in grade 11 bio, maybe you can drop them in here. thanks.

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I have a bio project to do, and he basicly said "you can do anything you want, and its due afte christmas."

I've looked on the net and thought, but havent found anything good. I was thinking maybe something to do with the effects of different soil with plants and stuff, I dont know.

If any of you have any ideas or remember anything you did in grade 11 bio, maybe you can drop them in here. thanks.

I did a video on eating disorders...it was great. I had like 4 Eric Cartman dolls lined them up going from large to ridiculously small to show his deterioration from fat to bones...

Maybe you can make an ecosystem...

Anyway, I was thinking, kids these days have it so easy...they can just google shit, while I actually had to go to the library and sort through useless books for hours on end to find any good info. These days, all you have to do is google it and the engine sorts all the best info for you.

Yeah, I'm bitter. Of course, being an undergrad/grad/post-graduate student it easier as well, so I guess I can't complain too much...I love you google. :P

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I offered to do a film depicting the act of reproduction for my bio class. My teacher wasn't interested in amateur porn though. I don't miss school.

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make yourself a hockey work out plan and say how it targets specific parts of your body that you want to work on, then back it up with information on muscle fibers and how they are affected by exercise

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I suggested this idea to my friends, but they thought it was stupid and quicky dismissed it. They, however, are the idiots because they took Bio. Anyways, my idea: give protein supplements to hamsters, and monitor the effects.

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I took Biology my sophomore year and I believe that Biology means The study of life. So.... See why when you eat Asparagus your urine smells. Also bring in samples and let each classmate smell the difference between regular urine and Asparagus urine. Just a thought. IF all else fails make a cell diagram or just show the phases of Mitosis and Meiosis.

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I'm doing one right now for my garde 12 bio class. I'm doing the difference between creatine and protein supplements and how they work. Plus it has to be on biotechnology so I'm talking about how they extract they whey protein.

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Another thing you can do is maybe a report on the movie "A day after tomorrow" and talk about the events in the movie and things that are simular that are going on in the world today.

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