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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick recommendations?

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I really liked the Sherwood Nexon 12 but it has too many durability issues, I've broke 4 this year already. Thinking of going back to the CCM U+ CL I used to use but I kind of want to change it up.

What are your thoughts on the CCM RBZ and the Warrior Widow? I can get the Widow for like $110 so I really want to try it, but I've heard mixed reviews about the Widow and some people say the durability isn't great.

I used the x60 and total one sticks and didn't like the feel of both, so I don't think I'll enjoy the APX or NXG either. And with Easton and the durability problems I've had with them in the past I'd like to stay away from them.


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For me, I found my widow (and all warrior sticks I've owned) to go soft after only a few uses. My next purchase is the RBZ.

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My widow still has a ton of pop after more than a year. My first one broke after about a year and never lost any velocity. If you have had durability problems with multiple brands, I would expect it to continue to be an issue no matter what brand you use.

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I find CCM/Reebok to break in a LOT, at least a full flex rating within a month or so. I was not impressed with the RBZ, I liked the CL better.

If it was ME, I'd go with the Widow. I find Warriors(generally) to be durable and consistent with decent pop on the shots.

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The widow is a great stick. I don't think you will really be unhappy with either choice, but you may be happier with the widow. I've heard of a couple issues with the rbz, though I've never used one. I really like the widow, though.

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I find CCM/Reebok to break in a LOT, at least a full flex rating within a month or so. I was not impressed with the RBZ, I liked the CL better.

If it was ME, I'd go with the Widow. I find Warriors(generally) to be durable and consistent with decent pop on the shots.

Hard to argue with that Warrior comment. I jumped around brands through teenage years until final year high school. Been Warrior ever since.

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For $110 a widow is hard to pass up, look for Dolomites on close out also. In Canada pro hockey life has them for I believe $100, and Sportcheck has them for $120. I've heard almost universally good things about the widows performance. My only concern would be the blade on them. The widows that have come back to my store have all been broken down the middle of the blade. It may have just been a bad batch however. I have had two warrior sticks, a DD dolomite and a Dynasty. My dolomite had great durability. The Dynasty was ok, slightly disappointing. I think I will order a DT1 to be my next stick.

For non close-out sticks I would look at the Nexus or One.9. I've heard good things about the Nexus durability wise, and most people seem to like it. The one.9 is essentially the same stick as a one95. My one95 has been great, extremely durable. There are many reviews for it on this site.

EDIT: I would also check out Easton ST's / Mako M5. You may be able to find ST's on closeout, the M5 replaced it. They are known for being extremely durable, while still have good peformance.

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Based on what your original post says, I would recommend the Warrior Covert DT1. I think the Widow is a great stick, but the blade durability was terrible for me and was a known problem for Warrior. They've addressed the issue with the Covert line and after using the DT1, I will say that they haven't sacrificed any performance in doing so.

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I have been using the Warrior Widow for around a year now. I mostly take snap and wrist shots and I haven't had any issues with breakage, etc. After a year of use several times a week there is still plenty of "pop" left in the blade. The only thing I have noticed is that there is the normal wear and tear from slashes, etc on the shaft. I would give it a try if you can get it for around $100. I would stay away from the Reebok AI line the blades seem to go very quickly as in they start to split apart at the toe and the paint comes right off the shaft after a couple of uses. Good luck in your search as it could be expensive :smile:

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give miken a shot.. i purchased the mv-5 from total hockey for $99 on close out and its awesome. I would say it is the best all around stick there is. My mako and TO NXG is good for wristers and snap shots, easton RS for slappers. I think the miken is the most well rounded. Thier razor stick with the z1000 compositeis for sure the next stick i buy

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