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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer One.9 Stick

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Why do you care so much? Stop being childish. I refused to sell you the stick. It's done. Were you entitled to it? The answer to that is NOPE. Why you had to come into MY thread and attempt to call me out is beyond me.

And yes, for your information, from prior experiences shipping to Canada has been almost double for me.

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writes 125$ shipped. refuses to ship to Canada because he thinks that its going to cost him too much.

Great description youve got going on, not everybody that plays hockey lives only in the US of A, next time be more precise.

Don't be surprised someone doesn't want to ship internationally. He informed you when you inquired. Move on.

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Why do you care so much? Stop being childish. I refused to sell you the stick. It's done. Were you entitled to it? The answer to that is NOPE. Why you had to come into MY thread and attempt to call me out is beyond me.

And yes, for your information, from prior experiences shipping to Canada has been almost double for me.

Just be more precise next time. Like that you wont waste people time.

I am not calling you out, you are the one that wrote 125$ shipped, and then refused to sell the stick, just informing the other members thats all.

*And since this is beyond you, ill tell you whats beyond me, the fact that you most probably havnt even checked any usps prices, and did not even try to work out anything with me (maybe charging me more?).

And fyi, shipping a 72x8.5x3 1lb box which is meant to contain a stick, is cheaper to ship to Quebec Canada than it is to ship to LA(At least USPS Claims so). Surprised?



Good luck with your sale.

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