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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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APX Stick Comparison

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Opinion needed for this.

I've been using a pro stock APX Cody Bass stick recently and love it - so much so that I wanted an identical one at retail, if the worst were to happen. I checked all specs of the stick and it was a pretty standard stick to get at retail:

- Pro-stock code (A26) matched APX construction, despite square corners and grip shaft (not bothered about that)
- Pattern matched P92 on my 2-piece (Bauer One30 blade)
- True 87 flex (uncut)

So: 87 Flex, RH, P92

Bought one over Ebay and I get the feeling I've been sold a counterfeit.

Here are the comparisons (Ebay on left; Pro-stock on right):


- Pro-stock weighs at 425g. Ebay weighs at 475g.

- Name plates and warranty stickers face different ways.
- Round corners and thicker walls on Ebay; Box corners and thinner walls on Pro-stock
- Curves for have minor but noticeable differences. Less curve on the Ebay.
- Minor offset in graphics. Both sticks are uncut.
- Textreme weave cut off near the top of the blade. There's a line on the same point on the Pro-stock but no cut off.

Real or counterfeit?

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That's werid dude, when I weighed a retail 87 flex APX in a P92 (don't remember if it was grip or non grip, but it doesn't matter here), it was a very light 416g...

On the 3rd picture (top right), why does the ebay one have a black bar with the code? Those codes and the bar isn't on retail. Are you sure the ebay one isn't another pro stock?

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Whether its real or counterfeit....the APX you bought on ebay is not retail per the nameplate. It would read P92 Backstrom 87 Flex.

Edit: AiREAYE beat me to it.

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Probably should have mentioned that this was bought in the UK. Came with a sticker at the top saying it was a P92, with barcode and details about the stick.

Could be one of those Euro Vapor X:Pro/OnePro SMUs dressed to look like an APX. The 50g difference is slightly noticeable (mainly to do with stick feeling blade heavy) but not an issue.

The question now is: Is it worth keeping for the sake of having it now or better to look to sell and get a true APX?

Haven't taken it out on ice yet but have played with it for a few minutes on my stickhandling pad. The feel is pretty similar to the Pro-stock and the weight/balance doesn't really hinder much, although I do notice it. What I love about playing with the Pro-stock APX is having less to worry about the weight/balance and just focus on playing.
If I were to sell, I might not fetch nearly the same price I bought for but I could potentially get a reasonable offer. Luckily, I know of several stick hungry players on the prowl right now.

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As others have mentioned, it's probably a legit Bauer prostock with an Apx paintjob. If it was sold to you as a retail Apx, then you have a case. If it was sold to you as a prostock Apx with a curve similar to a P92, then you don't really have a case, as that seems to be what you got.

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The item was listed as 'Bauer Vapor APX Sr. Composite Hockey Stick P92 87 Flex Right Handed'.
Not sure if it's a legit pro-stock.. the code (A26) states it's a true APX but does not come close with my Cody Bass pro-stock stick with regards to weight, balance, pattern etc.

Still waiting on a reply. I'll give it until the end of the week to get a response.

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