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sticks similar to the vapor x60

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so i have a 60 flex vapor 60 with a p14 and i want to get more but i cant find them. i know the apx is supposed to be the same but what do you guys think about the other top Bauer sticks like the nexus and supreme? i kinda want to get the nexus but i don't know if I'm going to like it. i shoot by flexing the stick more like a snapshot and take slap shots a lot

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Only problem with the X7.0 is that it only comes in a 67 flex in intermediate. I take it you're still young and still growing so adjusting to the increase in flex will come as you grow.


...only kidding.

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Only problem with the X7.0 is that it only comes in a 67 flex in intermediate. I take it you're still young and still growing so adjusting to the increase in flex will come as you grow.


...only kidding.

because I'm 16 and i pay for them.

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Just get a higher flex stick. You'll grow/get stronger.

?? I wouldn't advise it. Why hamper your shooting ability? The stick should work with you and help you, not against you.

Get the flex that's right for you. Though admittedly that's easier said than done because of the intracacies of feel and personal preference.

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so i have a 60 flex vapor 60 with a p14 and i want to get more but i cant find them. i know the apx is supposed to be the same but what do you guys think about the other top Bauer sticks like the nexus and supreme? i kinda want to get the nexus but i don't know if I'm going to like it. i shoot by flexing the stick more like a snapshot and take slap shots a lot

If you shoot by flexing the stick, you will get a lot more stick flex out of the Nexus than the Vapor style. Nexus plays less stiff than the Vapor though. If you do go with the X7, a 7 point bump in flex isn't a huge change, and you could always contact Joe at Oggie to get a grip that adds flex if the stick is too stiff.

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if you're deadset on 60 flex going for the apx instead of x7.0 isn't a world of difference. both high end sticks with similar performance, but the x7.0 uses 3k weave whereas the apx uses that big checkerboard textreme stuff (like the x60). neither the apx or the x7 is exactly like the x60. the apx uses the same textreme stuff but a different foam core (if you can notice the difference), whereas the x7 uses the 3k weave and the x60's aero foam stuff.

why change what works? if you're happy with the x60s sticking to the vapor sticks seems pretty logical. the supremes are way different. if you're looking for a change but nothing major the nexus could work like chadd said.

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I switched from the vapor to the nexus. The nexus kicks harder and just feels better. This is only my personal experience but I like it a lot more than the vapor.

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If you shoot by flexing the stick, you will get a lot more stick flex out of the Nexus than the Vapor style. Nexus plays less stiff than the Vapor though. If you do go with the X7, a 7 point bump in flex isn't a huge change, and you could always contact Joe at Oggie to get a grip that adds flex if the stick is too stiff.

What exactly is a 'grip that adds flex to the stick'?

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