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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Interesting Star article about what type of shot to use

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It would be interesting to see how they define wrist shot and snap shot. It seems there are as many definitions as people.

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Heard very similar numbers last year from Washington stats.......Its amazing how low the # of shots go in when it's a slapshot from the point!

Agreed, but those should be more for creating a scoring chance for the forwards than with the expectation that it will go in.

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I'm a believer that once you hit a certain level of (high) play, the key to scoring is either a quick release, in tight passing/rebounds, or the goalie just not seeing it.

Goalies are good enough now that if they can see the shot, they are probably going to stop it.

Look at Crosby. Not even close to the hardest shot out there, but he constantly beats goalies point-blank because of his release. He either shoots at unexpected times or catches and releases so fast that it's already by the goalie by the time he knows he's going to shoot.

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Lately it seems I've heard TV people calling every wrist shot a snap shot.

I mean, thats kind of the truth to it though, isnt it? With the technological design of the o.p.s., a true "old school proper form" wrist shot doesnt do it anymore. Just get the puck, lean like a dog relieving itself on a fire hydrant, and snap through. I feel like you dont get the same torque if you use proper wrist shot mechanics vs the one legged snap shot.

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I mean, thats kind of the truth to it though, isnt it? With the technological design of the o.p.s., a true "old school proper form" wrist shot doesnt do it anymore. Just get the puck, lean like a dog relieving itself on a fire hydrant, and snap through. I feel like you dont get the same torque if you use proper wrist shot mechanics vs the one legged snap shot.

Ovechkin had a goal on the PP tonight with an old school wrist shot.

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But he's got a crazy wrister and was on the PP. I think the point still stands.

Not really, I see a ton of wrist shots every night. I would actually say that there are more full windup wrist shots now than five years ago.

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Not really, I see a ton of wrist shots every night. I would actually say that there are more full windup wrist shots now than five years ago.

No one would disagree with that, I see lots of full-windup wristers being let go every night as well. I had taken hb4167's point to mean "wrist shots finding the twine". You must be taking it to mean "wrist shots on goal".

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