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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Possibility of lowering flex point

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So over the summer I may have gotten a little heated and snapped my brand new Ak27 shaft over a crossbar. The shaft only snapped maybe an inch or two over where the hosel of the blade ended. Being the cheap fellow I am, I bought a wooden plug and made the bottom opening of the shaft flush, tossed my total one blade in and just like that my stick was back to normal length. Now the AK27 is a mid flex shaft. Now that the flex point is moved down closer to the blade does that essentially make it a low/mid low kick shaft or is this just engineered to fail. So far it feels good but something feels off but that good just be me knowing that the shaft was snapped.

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Altering any stick this way will change the performance of the stick overall flex and profile along with how the blade feels and it won't feel the same as it did before. Probably not the best idea for someone cheap to break a stick in anger

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Ya guys I get it, I messed up lol. It happened once. After getting that feeling of realizing your sticks broken I promptly toned myself down.

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It's a straight shaft, it is going to kick in the middle of the stick. The kickpoint is not engineered to be at a specific spot in the shaft. Wherever the middle is, that's where it will kick.

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