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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cooke cuts Karlsson

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It was a ridiculous segment. Cherry was showing pics of Phil Esposito taping his tendon guards as an example of why it should be done, because you know...the skate technology hasn't changed at all since then or anything.

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But of course, it specifically would have to be the Mako skate since it's the only one with the flexible tendon guard. I completely understand why you wouldn't do it with a standard skate.

Most people break their tendon guards eventually, making them flexible. Funny how it's now a desirable feature.

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But of course, it specifically would have to be the Mako skate since it's the only one with the flexible tendon guard. I completely understand why you wouldn't do it with a standard skate.

No. Every manufacturer has a skate with flexible tendon guards. Bauer was first in 2005 with the ONE90, now to the TotalONE NXG. Reebok's 20k also has a flexible tendon guard.

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Two things to add:

1) our best guy ruptured his Achilles playing basketball last spring. He was back on ice by mid summer. By the start of the season he was as fast as ever. May not be apples to apples, but FWIW.

2) I bought the Bauer kevlars yesterday. They made for a really unpleasant game. My heel was sliding around, and it really inhibited my edge control. They were noticeably warmer, which is a decent trade off for the safety. They itched a bit, which could be livable. But with the difference in performance, I don't see them widely adopted until the Kevlar portions are limited to above the heel and at the most extended to the top of the foot.

It's unfortunate because it really should be standardized equipment at this point. I can see why guys forgo visors or cages as vision definitely effects performance, and then it becomes a question of tradeoffs. Same with my problem above. I'll be looking into the Hogan sleeve or long johns and just wear that over my usual skate sock.

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Now Pacioretty has been cut by a skate in the rib area: http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2013/02/17/yet-another-gruesome-injury-for-max-pacioretty/

Not that players getting cut by skates is a new thing, but I wonder how long until someone calls for Kevlar in all parts of the base layer.

kevlar in base layer would be problematic, I don't know how you get wicking action with the kevlar.

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Kevlar or even HPPE which is stronger I believe. I have HPPE socks and no issues with sweat or odor whatsoever.

Now Pacioretty has been cut by a skate in the rib area: http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2013/02/17/yet-another-gruesome-injury-for-max-pacioretty/

Not that players getting cut by skates is a new thing, but I wonder how long until someone calls for Kevlar in all parts of the base layer.

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Someone correct me if im wrong but i believe that moisture wicking comes from the weave of the fabric and not the actual fabric itself. Although i assume there to be a fabric that does it better than others.

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I never said it was I'm simply pointing out it's another exposed area on the leg. Since there's been a few injures in such a short time and one being a high profile player you'd think there might be some concern.

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^ It was posted on Puck Daddy as well.

The Pens EQM Dana posted on his twitter that he has been adding protection to the socks which I presume are on the exposed areas(captain obvious). I wonder if any other teams have as well. Honestly I don't see why not and I read somewhere that teams have pushed for Reebok to add it as well but minus credibility.

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