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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Accident or not? Wicked incident in QMJHL

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Certainly a defensible move to try and pry the stick out of the tangle, but I have a hard time believing he didn't know it would hit the other kid in the face. I just get the impression from the body language that he knew how the stick would strike the other player and went with it. The victim posted one doozy of a picture on twitter of his face, scroll at your own risk.

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Yikes, certainty seems careless the way he wrenched his stick from the glass. It was stuck though and It looks as if he was intending to pull it free and get back into the play as much as anything. No way to tell though how accidental it truly was.

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Accident or not, if you draw blood from a high stick it's five and game. Obvie from article that it wasnt from a hockey play. However if the rules in a game dictates that accidents and intentional are one and the same, there should be suspension in off the ice discipline as well, not.that I agree or disagree.

I've high sticked/ two hand slashes someone's face before by accident. Always a terrible thing. I wasn't suspended.

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I think he tried to get away with giving the guy "a little extra". IMHO, it didn't look like an accident at all.

That's what I was thinking, kinda like some plays when a guy gets bodied and as he's falling back he comes down with this stick at the hitter but made it look like momentum.

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I think he knew exactly what he was doing. Not for nothing, how do you two hand slash someone's face by accident?

You.could be pivoting and the other player comes from behind with their.head your stick level. He's in you blindside so you'll have no idea that your going to two ar going to collide but your rotational force makes it look like you two hand slashed him.

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You.could be pivoting and the other player comes from behind with their.head your stick level. He's in you blindside so you'll have no idea that your going to two ar going to collide but your rotational force makes it look like you two hand slashed him.


Translation: You can accidentally two hand someone in the face by being irresponsible with your stick. You shouldn't be whipping around with your stick at head height.

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Translation: You can accidentally two hand someone in the face by being irresponsible with your stick. You shouldn't be whipping around with your stick at head height.

I'm sure you know that this isn't black and white. There are instances of height differntiation, or wheno.e player arches over and at the other player's waist height. At that point mist players carry their stick at that height and below so it's not always foreseeable. One of the biggest thing in hockey is also awareness and self preservation; You yourself also have to be smart and avoid situations were you might get hurt from poor positioning by anyone on the ice. It doesnt matter at the end who's fault it is, if you get hurt youre still screwed. This is speaking from experience as my from teeth were broken by a teo hand high stick were the refs missed. Accidents happen and itll be a part of the game.

I also feel sorry about one of our users who posted months ago about a high stick from a slapper winedup. How can the shooter be blames for not controlling his stick as hes about to shoot and someone is coming from his blindside. It is just better to try ans avoud these situations and not be hurt than get perma scars and whine about it after.

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