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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Baking - Waiting!

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I know you're supposed to wait 24hrs after baking before you skate...

What are the consequences? If it's just a case of longer break in, I'll risk it to save waiting a week before I can skate again. If its a permanent dange thing, then obviously not.

It's like 2 degrees c out, so I'm thinking if I leave them outside for a couple of hours, they might cool quicker?

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Permanent damage is certainly possible if the skates are not completely cooled. 24 hours may be longer than needed for most skates, that is to prevent people from skating immediately on warm boots.

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The wait period isn't about cooling, since they'll reach room temperature in about an hour or two. Leaving it outside to "cool down" is not necessary and at this point, shocking it to that temperature will probably do more damage.

The wait period is about letting the materials settle after the baking and molding process. If you don't wait, you're basically skating in a mushy boot that will overflex and stretch and will ruin the point of baking them in the first place.

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