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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Players Wanted for CHE Tournament in Atlantic City - May 17-19

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I am looking for a few guys to round out a team playing in Atlantic City May 17-19. The cost is $370. This includes hockey and hotel.

Only looking for quality mature players - defense highly preferred.

PM me is interested.


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I know some guys that have done AC tournaments, they seem to have a pretty good time. If you get desperate closer to the deadline, let me know. Assuming you're willing to waive the mature part.

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Very tempting but that drive, alone, is the killer

If you ever do a Montreal tourney let me know. I would be down. (If you pick me up on the way!)

- Chris

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I know some guys that have done AC tournaments, they seem to have a pretty good time. If you get desperate closer to the deadline, let me know. Assuming you're willing to waive the mature part.

Your always welcome! I'll let you know when we get closer.

What about the "quality"?

Like.. much better than me - which isn't hard!!


Very tempting but that drive, alone, is the killer

If you ever do a Montreal tourney let me know. I would be down. (If you pick me up on the way!)

- Chris

Done a bunch in Montreal, I'll keep that in mind.

What level of player are you looking for?

C level or higher defensemen.

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