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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing velcro from Socks

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Anyone have any experience removing velcro from their reebok edge socks or have tips to do so? I have a seam ripper but I'll assume that there is some sort of adhesive attaching the velcro to the sock?

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...or just use a razor blade and cut the flap off where the stitching starts.

I carry one in my toiletry bag and when we get our socks for WF and SJ, I just snip mine before putting them on. No reason/need to spend more than 2 seconds on it.

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Also, you can consider getting some complementary velcro, cutting out the exact shape you need, and then covering it. That's what I did when my pants zipper velcro kept sticking to my socks..

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...or just use a razor blade and cut the flap off where the stitching starts.

I carry one in my toiletry bag and when we get our socks for WF and SJ, I just snip mine before putting them on. No reason/need to spend more than 2 seconds on it.

I borrowed another person's knife for this exact reason at WF. Velcro came right off.

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