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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates Rubbing Above My Ankle

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I've been in a pair of the Nexus 400's for about 2 months and in the last 1-2 weeks I've started getting soreness / small abrasion (not quite a blister) on the OUTSIDE of each ankle where the top of the boot must be rubbing.

Any suggestions for how to pad this area? Anyone else experience this?

I'm wondering if it could also be shin guards, since i typically put the tongue in front of the pad. The culprit seems to be the top edge of the skate boot. I'm also slightly bow-legged, so that could be working against me too.


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When you tie your skates, check to see if the top eyelets are slightly closer together than the next couple. Now that the skate is broken in some after a couple of months you could be folding over the top of the boot a little by not tightening uniformly up the last few eyelets. One possible explanation.

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When you tie your skates, check to see if the top eyelets are slightly closer together than the next couple. Now that the skate is broken in some after a couple of months you could be folding over the top of the boot a little by not tightening uniformly up the last few eyelets. One possible explanation.

In fact, in my last game, I dropped the laces down an eyelet altogether, which seemed to alleviate the rub temporarily. This seemed to start on a particular late night ice time that went on for an extra hour or so. Now i think I may just be managing the after effects of that irritation.

Why not try the tongues the other way, just to see?

I'll give that a go tonight. I've never really tried pads over tongues, since i was using shorter pads for a while. i'm in a proper pair now and should be able to put them over the tongues with no issue. In the past, i've attempted this and just not liked the overall feel.

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Put something over the top of the skate to reduce friction. I like Engo pads, you can buy them online. You will have to cover the area on your leg until it heals, but taking the friction out should help.

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I did my best to search for a related thread, but was unable to find anything. Anyhow, I play both roller and ice a combined 4-5 games per week. I am getting skate rub/irritation on the outside of my legs (predominantly on my right leg) approximately where the top of my skate would contact them. I have had this type of irritation before and was able to break skates in or have my leg become accustomed to the contact with previous skates. I have had my ice skates for nearly two years and my inline skates for about the same amount of time. About two months ago the issue began with my current ice skates and I was able to combat most of the issues by wearing a sweat band around my ankles where the rubbing/irritation issue was. Unfortunately, now the sweat bands are no longer enough to stop the irritation. At the time of my initial discomfort I was playing about half the amount of hockey that I currently am and realize this is part of my problem/irritation. I prefer not to scale back my rink time, but realize this may be necessary to let the irritation heal.

Now, the area of my leg (about an inch above my ankle joint on the outside) is irritated enough to be bothered by both my ice and inline skates. I have noticed that the top end Bauer skates currently come with what they call, "Total Edge Comfort" to I believe combat this issue. However, I would like to avoid buying new skates and am looking for suggestions on how to alleviate this issue. Whether it be by changing my skating technique (or lack thereof), perhaps modifying my equipment or even dressing my leg differently. Thanks for taking the time to read this and for any thoughtful input you may have.

Ice Skates - Vapor XXXX

Inline Skates - Mission Boss SE

I realize my skates are different lasts. I had to have my inline skates punched in the fore foot to get them to feel good and believe this is irrelevant to my current issue.

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Sorry to hear about your ailment, I had this exact problem with my skates and it sucks. I used to skate with the tongues out and since switching to them inside the shins it has not been a problem. The large felt tongues wrap my ankle and provide protection against the top of the boot.

Also, like you did, I used the sweat bands to combat the problem, but thankfully switching the way the tongues were solved my problem.

If sweatbands are no longer working you can try something more drastic: http://bungapads.com/bunga-ankle-sleeve-as.html and hopefully they will help. I saw these at the local hockey shop and feel that they would do the trick.

You can also have your skates modified by adding a padded gusset around the top of the boot. IIRC my local shop said they'd charge $30 for it, and I would hope that that is fairly consistent regardless of where you get it done. I think haasport just had this done to his One95's http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/8504-show-it-off/?p=957950 maybe you could ask him about it?

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I'm wondering if it could also be shin guards, since i typically put the tongue in front of the pad. The culprit seems to be the top edge of the skate boot. I'm also slightly bow-legged, so that could be working against me too.

See: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/63039-skates-rubbing-above-my-ankle/ I just responded to the same question different thread.

Long story short: deal with skating tongues in. It takes a while to get used to, doesn't look nearly as fly (sarcasm) but may fix your problem, it fixed mine.

I put my skates on first, lace all the way to the top, start the bowtie knot (cross laces) flex foot all the way forward so laces dont hinder my forward flex then finish knot with leg fully flexed forward then put shins on.

Good luck.

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I do know of a few people have had this issue and it was because of the not being enough padding at the top of the boot where you are getting the rubbing. I had a pair taken and added padding for the person solved the issue!

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See: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/63039-skates-rubbing-above-my-ankle/ I just responded to the same question different thread.

Long story short: deal with skating tongues in. It takes a while to get used to, doesn't look nearly as fly (sarcasm) but may fix your problem, it fixed mine.

I put my skates on first, lace all the way to the top, start the bowtie knot (cross laces) flex foot all the way forward so laces dont hinder my forward flex then finish knot with leg fully flexed forward then put shins on.

Good luck.

Scopes: Thanks for linking to the other topic. I had searched the forums today for some info on this issue and hadn't found it...hence, i posted my own. Good to know there is experience with it. I'll go for tongues "in" when i skate tonight. I don't have an issue with the looks of it. Up until a few months ago, I didn't have long enough shin pads to make it work. My pants have a zipper option for loosening the leg, so I can work suiting up the shin pads, socks and lacing my skates before sliding into my pants. I did pick up a $2 package of callous cushions at a local pharmacy to see if those provide a little extra padding while I heal up from this. It's basically a tiny donut-shaped pad that pads the area around the tender spot.

History: I had been in a pair of Mission Fuel AG's for the last 3 years, before moving into the Nexus skates. I bought the Missions for cheap as a beginner skate while I was just entering the sport as a player. Those missions were a full eyelet lower by design, so the boot itself was almost an 1" shorter on the ankle. Never had this issue in those boots, but I suppose it makes sense being in the higher eyelet boot.

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You actually posted first I just happened to see the other one and respond to it before yours, my bad.

Try wearing the pad under your sock so it doesnt move around or come off on you mid game.

Hopefully toungues in solves the problem.

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Much appreciated Scopes. I do skate w/ flopped tongues, so I'll give that a try to see if I get any relief.

Thanks for merging the thread JR.

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Much appreciated Scopes. I do skate w/ flopped tongues, so I'll give that a try to see if I get any relief.

Thanks for merging the thread JR.

ALL: Went with shin pads over tongues last night, laced right up through top eyelet (didn't crank any tightness on top eyelet). Definite improvement, in terms of NOT adding to the abrasion already started. Was on the ice over the course of 2 hrs and was sore at the end, but I don't think anything is getting worse. Comfort was odd at first with the pads over tongues, but after a few shifts, I wasn't even paying attention.

Thanks for the guidance.

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