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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL player equipment ownership

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Yeah, things like that definitely do not get returned. He'll get his two sets, and if he has additional ones, that will stay behind. Then he'll transition into his new set and break them in.

I'll just end the argument here; if it's stuff a player is actively wearing, it goes with him. They give him a small supply of sticks, whatever is left is then returned to mfgr (that's how you guys end up with pro stock sticks). Anything that has a team logo that can't be removed and can still be used by that team stays behind or is returned to the team (bags, notably.)

Do note that equipment managers help each other out; they do not see the others as competition. So, if a player has special requests, that info is shared between the equipment managers.

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though I agree with that in some sense that people go way too far in the pro stock craze, there are some aspects of it that I do enjoy, like the ability of finding a wider variance in curves and flexes at a lower price, especially since I've used the 30 day warranty maybe 4 times in my life, I have no problem taking the gamble on a stick that costs less than half the price.

Second is the choice of colors. I played on a team this year that used gold and black a la Penguins, so obviously it would have been nice to have matching gloves. However without going the custom route my only other option was pro stock. I wasn't too picky whose glove I was going after as long as it fit my spec, nor did I get a shell socks a helmet and a practice jersey to make it look like I went to their camp. Some color schemes aren't available on a high level glove at retail that pro gloves offer, along with sizing modifications, palms and padding etc.

I agree about the options not offered to the consumer, it's the reason I've been seeking mustang palms to no avail for a few years now.

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I find equipment sales to be the best for the "necessity" pieces. sticks, helmets. The only bad thing is you're usually stuck with that teams' color.

I've stock piled 5 RBK 11k shafts and 7 blades for the past two years from the local equipment sales for less than one new 11K retail. Brand new helmet was $40 and some other odds and ends.

The AHL/ECHL sales are usually much cheaper than the NHL guys too.

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I agree about the options not offered to the consumer, it's the reason I've been seeking mustang palms to no avail for a few years now.

custom warriors?

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So how do endorsements tie into the teams and their gear? Do teams not pay for the gear for that specific player?

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Nope, team still pays for 100% of the gear regardless of sponsorships. The player just gets paid to wear it by that Mfr.

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