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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Proper way to rotate and replace on a hilo setup

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So i searched around, and couldn't find anything online. So here's how I do mine (sorry for my crappy MS paint drawing):


This has been OK for the most part for me. My front two wheels burn down faster than the back two, so usually once the 76mm lose 8mm or more, the back two are only down maybe 4mm, and are suitable to rotate to the front.

Problems come up if Either the fronts wear down TOO fast, and the back wheels are still too big to rotate to the front, or if everything wears down evenly, and the back wheels are like 70mm or less, which results in a forward lean. Luckily this usually doesnt happen, and I keep some spares to use if this ever does.

Anyone see a problem with this? Am I doing it right?

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Thought a bit more about this as it's been a while since I've been on a hi-lo setup.

I'd be trying to get them to wear evenly across the radius then across the diameter. So for the first change I'd just flip them, 2nd change rotate 1/2 and 3/4, 3rd change flip them, 4th change swap boots and rotate 1/2 and 3/4. Next change start again.

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I'm not on HiLO, but If my 80's were worn down enough to be able to use them up front... then I'd just throw them out and put on some new wheels. My wheels will usually split/ chuck, or lose their grip well before I would be able to rotate forward.

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Do you guys, no matter the set up, rotate your wheels for sport court where they won't wear/grind away?. With my all 80s I flipped them half way into the season.

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Yep. I have found that the grip can go off on one side after a while. I keep rotating and flipping them as a matter of habit and good practice. It also lets me check the chassis, rivets, bearings and give everything a wipe down so as to keep dirt, oil etc off.

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