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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone use FogZero?

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I saw this product at ePuck (Epuck FogZero) and thought it might be better than the AFR I currently use on my Oakley visor. Even with AFR, my visor fogs by the 2nd period. Hey, I'm old, give me a break! :D Anyway, has anybody tried it out yet? I'd be especially interested to hear how it worked on an Oakley visor, which are really pretty delicate.

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Yes, I got a sample from them.

I haven't played in the past couple of weeks so I have not used it recently.

It fills in very small scratches.

I was a little disappointed at first when it came to fogging - I use a straight small and the first time I used it, it did fog (something it never did with AFR) but the second time, I reapplied and it didn't.

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oh ya same here i got some the 1s time nothing really happend it did fog so i wasnt to happy but the sencond time a applied it.. it work much better and for the rest on the time usin this product i wasnt disapointed. :D

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I also saw this product for the first time this morning on EPuck and was going to post about it. Thanks for stealing the thunder DekeHead! :P

I have an Oakley Modified Aviator and have been satisfied with the AFR solution as far as fogging goes. I'm tempted to try this FogZero product just to help my scratch situation.

Not to hijack a thread but speaking of the AFR solution...has anyone had the pump on the bottle stop working? I've had this happen to both bottles I've owned which may just be my bad luck. I have to unscrew the whole cap and pour a bit onto the visor which is a pain in the ass.

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OK that's "good" to hear.  I'm getting ready to buy my third bottle of AFR and if that pump stopped working, I was going to head to the slot machines.

So I guess my thinking that I just happened to get a "bad" spray bottle is totally WRONG.

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Same problem here! I went to a drug store and bought a travel spray pump bottle for a buck. It's only slightly bigger than the AFR and actually sprays a finer mist.

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Hi guys. I'm bringing up this old post because as you can see it went off track.

Have more people tried the FogZero product? I've seen it in my LHS and was thinking about giving it a try on my Itech HX50 visor because my Challenger brand anti-fog has been letting me down.



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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

On shields that have been "pre-treated" by the manufacturer, you shouldn't use FogZero.

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Hi folks. Bringing up kind of an old post here, but I wanted to share my experience with the Fogg Zero product. Unfortunatley, it stinks.

I even phoned the place and spoke to a person to ensure I was applying it correctly and it's totally not working for me at all, so I've gone back to sprays.

I'm bummed because I paid $15 bucks (Cdn) for Fogg Zero and now I feel suckered thinking it must be good because it cost 3 time more than my good old Challenger Anti-Fog spray.

I'm curious to try the shampoo technique where you apply a little bit of it let it dry then buff. Will do for my Thursday morning shinny.



P.S. Visor is an Itech HX50, so perhaps some pre anti-fog treatment doesn't cooperate with this product.

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