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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBZ blades

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Those look TALL.

I don't mind the white as much as most people will but they look like stilts.

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Those look TALL.

I don't mind the white as much as most people will but they look like stilts.

And they are, and that's the chassis. it's a tall standing, heavy feeling mess of a thing that was slapped together just to get Reebok into the roller market. They say labeda, but they weren't made by them at all just thename was licensed.

Unlike tours and now the new alkali skates where the front two wheels are recessed in to take away the height. They are all under the boot and it is definetily felt.

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They look terrible.

Looks more like a randomly converted in 5 min pair of rbz rather than a proper pair of inlines...

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They look terrible.

Looks more like a randomly converted in 5 min pair of rbz rather than a proper pair of inlines...

Bingoa! You just earned a spot on the reebok/ccm marketing team bc you just said exactly what they are.

I really had hopes the end roller would be good but they took the "anything for a buck" route Reebok did with their roller line and made a bad skate.

Didn't someone say that this will retail for $600-$700 in another thread? I paid $350 for my Reebok 9ks and regret every penny spent on them and I kept them less than a year. I was keeping my head high for ccm since their stuff was so good for me in the past but now it looks like the Reebok side is getting to them.

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Bingoa! You just earned a spot on the reebok/ccm marketing team bc you just said exactly what they are.

I really had hopes the end roller would be good but they took the "anything for a buck" route Reebok did with their roller line and made a bad skate.

Didn't someone say that this will retail for $600-$700 in another thread? I paid $350 for my Reebok 9ks and regret every penny spent on them and I kept them less than a year. I was keeping my head high for ccm since their stuff was so good for me in the past but now it looks like the Reebok side is getting to them.

Do we ever agree.

As far as I'm concerned, I haven't seen adidas innovate in skates for a looong time now. No wonder Phaneuf is changing them every 2 weeks

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Just an FYI. These are the 2nd skate in the line. NOT THE TOP.

The top of the line is the RBZ ice skate on a black frame with Labeda Addiction wheels.

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That looks better. Looks less cheap too. I wouldn't have had a problem with the white boot though, it was just the white on white that made it look...plasticy? Like a pair of Bauer H1s.

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Do we ever agree.

As far as I'm concerned, I haven't seen adidas innovate in skates for a looong time now. No wonder Phaneuf is changing them every 2 weeks

I cant speak for reebok ice but their rollers are horrific. at first i thought they were great but they quickly declined and i feel as if i should warn whoever is interested in them. check out my review of them on the forums. its not great. I hope these ccms (though it looks like they do) have the same paper thin composite bottoms as the reeboks. those things will bend, tear, and come off with little to no effort. it bent so much that my second wheel wore a hole through them.

and look at the chassis even on the top of the line skate its the same but just with a little bit of contour to the outside of it. how much weight will that reduce? probably not a lot if any really. and the holes for the axles on my reeboks went out of round. if they made it thinner i can only imagine how that would work out. its also at that same stilts type height.


The boot seems nice and i cant comment on much except for that thin footbed, but im also glad they put some type of high end bearing into the skate as well. the reeboks were coming with lousy abec 7s. they were instantly switched out by me.

I really want ccm to be good, I used them in the past and their boot shape fits me well. but this just screams too much of reebok for em to put any money on.

Honestly, I would love by some divine hand that MSH gets a pair for their LTR program and im picked to try them out. I really want to be proven wrong about this i really, really, do but it just seems this is another case of a cheap way of entering the roller market for another buck.

PS: can we stop with the white skates or just make them LE versions? i for one am tired of looking clowny when playing roller.

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