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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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APX2 Baking Recommendations

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I found no baking instructions inside the APX2 skate box but as many others would like to get the best out of these skates.

There are some basic guidelines for baking skates like 2-3 minutes into the oven and than staying in them about 15minutes.

But as new materials evolve (like the new composite material) I think there is a concrete recommendation (by Bauer) about the APX2.
Would be great if anyone got further details.

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Preheat oven for about 5min. Heat one skate at a time for about 2-3 min. Moderate lacing tightness, use hands to mold as necessary.

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We've covered how to bake Curv/Alive composite boots since TotalONE, nothing has changed. A search would have given you the answer. AIREAYE covered it.

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