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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can we get the scoop on the new warrior covert?

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I'm sure when info is available, and/or the powers that be are allowed to release that info, they will. It's been that way since MSH's inception so I doubt a post like yours will influence that timeline in any way.

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I'm sure when info is available, and/or the powers that be are allowed to release that info, they will. It's been that way since MSH's inception so I doubt a post like yours will influence that timeline in any way.


But I'll be damned if I were to tell you when I saw the calender was at the end of July, I wasn't tempered to ask about it again. Either way I could get a piece of info everyday about it but u still have to wait till release.

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Yep he did. Not much on the Twitter or instagram feeds dealing with the stick details. But my god if you're a red blooded male that enjoys girls with your hockey take a look at the warrior hockey instagram. Calender girl shoots are fun.

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I'm sure when info is available, and/or the powers that be are allowed to release that info, they will. It's been that way since MSH's inception so I doubt a post like yours will influence that timeline in any way.

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