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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Russian Gear?

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I'm going on a trip to Russia in a couple days. Are there any Russian/European brands that you can't get in the States that I should check out?

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Thanks for the responses. I was in St. Petersburg and other than the SKA store I didn't see any hockey stores when walking around and couldn't get the fam to go exploring just for that.

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nothing currently worth, expect antiquities...

KHL games are a must tho and tickets are super cheap

Official russian national team jerseys and socks are worth b/c it's true quality, but be aware that several standard of quality exist tho it's still official. And I have no idea how you can reliably distinguish them.

Otherwise try the small local shops where you might find some brand new "old school" jofa gears (and a lot historical brands too) for nothing. Nothing like the ridiculous prices seen on ebayUS.

Graf skates will be made in Switzertland, not Canada.

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