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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Black Hockey Sticks

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I just heard about a new stick company that is starting up called All Black Hockey Sticks. The sticks are fairly cheap in regards to price. They claim to offer high quality sticks at a low cost. Although they do look cool IMO, looks are not everything. I was wondering do you guys think they're worth a shot? Their website is allblackhockeysticks.com

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Where did you see one? There are no pics on the webpage. Unless you're saying the blade looks cool.

Warranty is ...um... interesting:

1) First Skate: We will replace your stick.

2) First 30 days we will give you 45% off the purchase price.

3) 60 days or less we will give you 20% off the purchase price.

4) 90 days or less we will give you 10% off the purchase price.

I know these places are just trying to make a quick buck, but aren't there cheap website templates that make it looks like it's not being run out of a garage? It looks like it should have a .angelfire extension in the address.

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Having tried various oem carbon sticks out of china (3k and 12k carbon), I wouldn't expect to much from them. They hold up ok in the shaft area but the blade is a different issue. They crack through the middle, sometimes after just a game or 2, generally within 10 - 20 games. Often the cost worked out the same, 2 to 3 cheap sticks lasted about as long as a top end stick from a well known brand. And before someone climbs all over me about how their Easton/Warrior/Bauer etc stick broke after 2 games, there are exceptions that go both ways.

But if you play in a casual beer league, want something to have a hit with that is reasonably light (440g according to the web site) and cheap then these can be ok. Just don't expect a lot out of them.

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I've used mine for a few weeks an it's holding up great the blades just as good as when I got it an shaft actually took longer to whip out than my nexus sticks have. There decently light an I've been nothing but impressed so far. An as far as ran out of a garage I believe it is actually ran out of a engineers garage somewhere in lower michigan then shipped to stores

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...for about 15 dollars more than the price on these sticks, you can get a Mako M5 from Hockey Monkey, which I assume is a much better stick in every conceivable measure, and are known for their durability.

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Talked to the guy heading it up about 4 months ago, didn't know anything about it and he didn't know anything about me, but was trying to recruit me to be a part of it. Seemed like a pyramid scheme for hockey sticks. A person establishes an area of rinks and they try to sell to players at those rinks and also try to recruit others to sell under them at other rinks. The sticks can be sold right then or there or ordered online and that person is asked what rink they skate at so the sales person gets credit. Decided against it and haven't heard or seen any sticks in my area, so they might have changed strategy or who knows at this point. Never saw the sticks, but from my experience I knew what to expect with the sticks.

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