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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what is the best way to share your innovation ideas to big hockey companies?

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hey fellas,

i guess my title says it all, what if you had some crazy ideas that you wanted to share to a company ? if you have a gimmick that you think will sell very well and wanted to sell your ideas, how would the process be? should you trade mark your "gimmick"?

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Unless you have a background/degree in sports engineering or are recognisable through your efforts in the sport of hockey, I wouldn't. Too much red tape. But if you do, yes, trademark it. There is nothing as degrading as having your intellectual property taken and having someone else take credit for it.

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I contacted Bauer not too long ago about an idea/solution to fix a common problem in gloves and how they are made. We got to a point where they sent me a giant stack of forms to fill out and told me I needed legal representation if we wanted to speak any further.

Yeah, I ended it there. :smile:

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These companies are international businesses. There is the right way to do things and the wrong way. They are not trying to make it difficult for anyone. They are just CYA. Cover Your Ass. Yes, legal representation is the first step. For all parties involved.

Anybody heard from Brooklynite lately?

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