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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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why am i breaking sticks like this?

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i broke these sticks within a week of each other. is this break a result of something specific? all other composites that i have broke have snapped where my bottom hand is on clappers. these broke on shots too though. just wondering if this is a characteristic break? maybe i am coming down a little steep and hitting the ice on too steep of an angle? any thoughts?

thanks guys


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This is where I've broken every stick I've ever broken, looks normal to me. I always figured that area was weakened from faceoffs, stick checking, slashing and the occasional two-hander on the post after giving up a bad goal.

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As for the easton, I have broken 5 rs/rs2s and 4 of the 5 broke in the same place, about 6-8 inches up from the blade (other 1 broke in the blade). It is a very typical place for sticks to break, especially those with a kick point as low as the rs.

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i broke these sticks within a week of each other. is this break a result of something specific? all other composites that i have broke have snapped where my bottom hand is on clappers. these broke on shots too though. just wondering if this is a characteristic break? maybe i am coming down a little steep and hitting the ice on too steep of an angle? any thoughts?

thanks guys


right at the fuse point. nothing out of the ordinary here.

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From that evidence, I would guess that you are continuing to push down too much while the face is down on the ice and the stick is loading. It could be caused by a few different things, if that is the problem. What flex are these sticks and what do you normally use?

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