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Reebok Crosby Curve= ?

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I currently have a Reebok Ribcor with a Crosby curve. I am wondering if any of the other brands have curves that are somewhat similar to the new Crosby curve. I know that on the Reebok Curve Chart it says that Bauer's Backstrom P92 curve is similar to it but I compared the two curves and they aren't even close to the same curve.

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All the current "Sakic type" curves differ a bit from each other. Depth wise, from shallowest to the deepest curve the order seems to be:

Reebok Crosby/CCM N-H -> Warrior Kopitar -> Easton Hall/P3 -> Bauer P92.

To me the Reebok/CCM versions are pretty much mid/heel curves.

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  On 9/25/2013 at 10:27 PM, icewalker_bg said:

Well I have to disagree with both of you. The Crosby curve is close to a p92, not the same but close and unique, I don't know of any other manufacturers offering it except ccm.

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I think you need to look again. The current generation Crobsy P87A and Nugent-Hopkins are much shallower than the E3 and W3.

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I always have to laugh at these conversations. I mean, really, how close is the Crosby/RNH to the P92, E3 and whatever the Warrior curve is? The answer is VERY. The differences are very slight. Almost every brand has the same 3 or 4 curves:

  • a P91 wedge
  • a Modano/Stamkos/Malkin
  • a P88/Iginla mid-curve
  • a P92/Sakic/Crosby

From there, you go into brand specific stuff, I'm thinking about the P106, the Kremlin, the E28, etc.

To say "they aren't even close" is totally out to lunch. I know we love gear and talking gear, and I love it as much as the next guy/gal. But come on, man. I've used all of these brands and curves. The differences are not that noticeable. There are variations in some of these patterns even within the same brand/model.

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  On 9/25/2013 at 9:50 PM, Fire Walker said:

The Crosby curve on my 9k seemed the same as the p92 and Easton's P3 to me. I didn't notice any differences when I used it.

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I think that Reebok changed the Crosby pattern to more of a mid heel after the got rid of the P87B

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  On 9/25/2013 at 10:45 PM, bg9 said:

I always have to laugh at these conversations. I mean, really, how close is the Crosby/RNH to the P92, E3 and whatever the Warrior curve is? The answer is VERY. The differences are very slight. Almost every brand has the same 3 or 4 curves:

  • a P91 wedge
  • a Modano/Stamkos/Malkin
  • a P88/Iginla mid-curve
  • a P92/Sakic/Crosby

From there, you go into brand specific stuff, I'm thinking about the P106, the Kremlin, the E28, etc.

To say "they aren't even close" is totally out to lunch. I know we love gear and talking gear, and I love it as much as the next guy/gal. But come on, man. I've used all of these brands and curves. The differences are not that noticeable. There are variations in some of these patterns even within the same brand/model.

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CCM's RBZ line is missing two of those... I really don't get why they don't have the Couturier or a Drury clone. They could at least have the Couturier on the RBZ, considering it's an existing CCM curve.

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