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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My Bauer XR3 Pants are falling down...

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Never had this issue before, but the belt on my Bauer XR3 pants keeps loosening during a game. The belt itself looks fine and in good shape. I've worn them for about 20 games and maybe a dozen practices. Anyone else had issues? Any ideas how to solve this?

Thanks for your help!

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I have the xr5 same thing happens to me I just tighten them in between shift ( same thing with my mission ac2 and my new x60r pants I just got seems to be a new trend)

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I have a set of X5's and do not have this issue at all. Are you guys wearing girdles or not? I wear mine along with a girdle and pull it tight above the hip pads and its good to go for the whole game.

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Yes I wear the warrior projekt girdle. So i got two nearly useless belts. Maybe I'll try sewing the belt so it can only undo so far. Thanks guys!

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