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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Addictions or Variant Plus?

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Hi guys, I'm wondering to get some input on getting Labeda Addictions vs Revision Variant Plus wheels. In the past, I've used 76A Labeda milleniums and they've lasted a good year. I'm 5"11, 180lbs, my playstyle is aggressive with lots of stopping and tight turns, and I play in a very competitive league.

Which one offers better speed/grip/durability? If I get the revisions should I go with 74A or 76A? If I get the Addictions should I go with 76A (Ltd. Edition) or 78A (regular)?

All info is appreciated.


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Assuming you are playing on a sports court or similar surface, at your weight (close to me) you will find the grip and speed similar between the two (hardness comparable for both brands of wheels). In durability you would find the Revision Plus is better. I know a guy who weighs in around 250lbs and used to shred wheels every month or so and he tried every wheel out there. He has had a set of Revision Plus for the last 6 months and they are still going strong.

At your weight you are close to a trade off between the different hardness of wheels, durability should be good on either but you need to decide if you want the extra grip for lesser speed or more speed and not so much grip.

I've just got myself a set of Revision Plus and will report back on them in a few weeks, previously I've been on splits and addictions.

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I made a thread about high end wheels a few months back --

Having skated on both, i prefer the Variant Plus.

I'm 5'5", 155, and an agressive stopper (like ice). From my perspective, I felt like the Variant plus were very reactive; felt more response going into turns and coming out of turns. I could feel the rebound and didn't feel like i was losing as much when shifting momentum. The only con so far is that when it's time to get a new setup, you'll know. The grippiness is completely gone after a few months. With addicitons, you still have moderate stopping power after some good wear.

budget/all around good wheel IMO are the Labeda Milleniums.

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Having skated on both I prefer the addictions. Them seem to last longer, grip much harder, and feel faster vs the variant plus wheels I used. Cant go wrong either way but personally I would go for the addictions over any other wheel, then the splits and my 3rd choice would be the variant plus.

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The reason for the durability of the Addictions over the others is all in the core. Most of the grip from the Addictions come from the flexing of the core itself, while the others are using an injection molded core, which gives little to no flex at all. When this happens, the grip is solely on the hardness of urethane in contact with the floor. The way you described your skating style, I would recommend the Grip+ orange Addictions, they tend to work best for heavier skaters or ones with strong strides, hence why they are the choice wheel of Itan Chavira, Greg Thompson, and Travis Noe.

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I'm a rink rat guy myself, they always stood up to my weight and play. They are paired with orange addictions right now.but the addictions start splitting on me much faster.

No matter what wheel you choose I recommend the softer wheel especially bc you're on the cusp. Honestly one of my fears is losing grip when I need it or stopping near the boards. Had a season ending ankle injury when I was flying and tried to stop near the boards and I slipped out causing me to crash into the boards. My ankle was caught under me in a weird spot and it hurt a lot.

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