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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade equivalents to Heatley in 2013-2014 Range

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Hey guys..

I live in the UK.. from my searching..it appears we dont get the full range of curves available to us to here.

I have a VERY old Koho 2260c crossover (unsure of the blade pattern) and from searching..and comparing to my sakic/forsberg blades it appears to be very close in shape to a easton Heatley blade. The Hall/sakic curve on my v1e is a 5.5 lie..and im really not comfy with it..so after searching like mad of heatley curves..they seem to match the shape and length of my beloved crossover.

I was after a Easton Heatley curve however was struggling.. i know that the easton 5.5 lie isnt something i found to be comfortable for me (im a short player)- thus ruling out the iginla curve.

I was hoping you guys could point me in the right direction in terms of other manufacturers equivalent curves that you have had experience with.

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There were two versions of the Heatley blade if I remember correctly... Post-SE16/S17, the blade was a bit longer than the versions before/of the SE16/S17 generation... Regardless, both versions were short-medium length, 1/2-inch mid-curves, with a closed face, square toe, fairly flat rocker and lie of 5 (Easton).

There are not a lot of curves with the square toe anymore. There are some with those other characteristics though. Such as the Bauer P88 and related clones of that curve. They will have the round toe and more rocker to the blade than the Heatley. I have heard/seen that the Warrior Zetterberg (not to be confused with the Easton Zetterberg) has less rocker on the bottom than the Bauer P88, so you may want to try that. The Warrior Zetterberg is offered all up and down the Warrior range including OPS, blades and junior/inter/senior.

Looking down at the round toe will take some getting used to, but otherwise I think your transition would be easy.

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Iginla was kind of close but without the square toe and slightly shorter. But felt pretty much the same on the ice, from what I could tell.

I miss the Heatley curve, too.

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cheers guys.. im going to see if my LHS can order in a heatley blade..however from previous convos.. he recons that Easton UK on has a few different curves in stock..mostly of the hall and forsberg variety.. i'll keep searching. It appears that hockeymonkey wont ship Easton products outside of the US due to eastons policy either :S

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cheers guys.. im going to see if my LHS can order in a heatley blade..however from previous convos.. he recons that Easton UK on has a few different curves in stock..mostly of the hall and forsberg variety.. i'll keep searching. It appears that hockeymonkey wont ship Easton products outside of the US due to eastons policy either :S

How did you get on ? I've still got my old faithfull 2260 but it's just about dead . Busy trying to decide whether to go OPS or 2 piece and try to find the perfect curve . Currently using an aluminium Easton Taperwall with a Sakic curve , it's not bad but not as nice as the Jagr on the 2260.

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Hey. In the end i found a heatley blade. It was ok..close to the 2260. In the end i had to change my stick anyway.. my height and 85 flexs (when they are cut down) dont work to great. Ended up with a ccm rbz 80 with a sakic curve..and i love it. Havent looked back!

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I had never tried ccm sticks before. With my smaller hands, the CCM has a much more suited shaft size (reminiscent of the Koho 2260c size shaft).

Have a look at the RBZ range.. i went with the RBZ 80 (due to my budget). Ive heard the Rbk 25k is a good alternative too.

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I think CCM may well have taken over the Koho name , they all got munched up by Reebok but I think somebody realised that people had brand loyalty to the likes of CCM , Jofa , Koho etc and viewed Reebok and Nike with suspicion so a few of the old names were kept going in their own range .

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