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RBZ skates horrible experience...Looking for replacement suggestions

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Coming here to have first end experience to replace my RBZ skates... After 5 games, my feets is still kiling me. Even after 2 times I baked them, multiple ways to tie them, big bruise on my left big toe, etc... Anyhow I never experience any of this on my 2006 Reebok 9k white skate : http://youtu.be/eY37RZGuz0E. Not the current low end 9k.

So which 2013 skates will be very close to my beloved 9k in your opinion ? The choice today is mindbugling and there as so many incompetent salesman that I dont want to waste my $ again and narrow down my chouces when I fo back to the store.

Any inputs and suggestions are welcome

oops correct link :

Not the current low end 9k

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I think you are going to hear lukewarm reports on ANY skate, and you will also hear from people that love them. I find that skate brands are very personal and once you find a boot that fits your foot, then stick with it. The long and short of it is that maybe you should consider looking at the current crop of Reebok skates before you look to any other brands. If it's not broken, then don't fix it.

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A few questions;

Was there a reason you switched from Pumps to RBZ initially? If you had a good fit with the Reebok pump, why not stick with it?

Did the RBZ fit comfortably off the shelf, and after baking? Were they properly fit by someone, or bought sight unseen?

If the white 9K fit you well, depending on your budget, I've had a lot of success with the 18K and 14K line.

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RBZ came with a free RBZ stick stage 2 and the seller was telling me that ccm and reebok were the same cie with lttle difference in the boot construction.. Off the shelf and on my feet it was ok but on the ice .... well not the same.

I will definetly try the new RBK 20k and 18k but as far I was able to get the info, RBK boot construction have change from 2006. So if somebody had an experience with the 2006 RBK 9k white (see video), which equivalent 2013 skates is close to the same fit and build?

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the RBZ line changed fit from the previous CL line. I fit into a 7.5d CL line boot, and a 6.5 RBZ line, comparatively.

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RBZ is a CCM skate, not a RBK, fit is totally different. Who was the "seller"? This is the same as those who say Vapors fit same as Supremes.

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The RBZ is a skate held in high regard, although I think your experience drives home an important point. The #1 attribute when looking for a skate is fit. We all have different feet and fortunately the skate companies in aggregate seem to be able to cover the majority of that spectrum.

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