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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bulky Elbow Pads?

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Since started playing hockey as an adult (about 4 years ago), I've been in the same pair of elbow pads. Not sure how to post a picture, so I'm just lasting a link that shows a clear image of these Nike/Bauer Pro Lightspeed elbow pads: http://www.ruffneckhockey.com/nike-bauer-pro-lightspeed-sr-elbow-pads/

I have no complaints about the protection. But, in the last few years, I've seen lots of other elbow pads that seem much less 'bulky'. Does anyone know more about the composition of these that can explain a bit more...?

I'm open to trying something different at some point, but not at the cost of protection. The pad I have now almost fill the elbow area of the jerseys I use. I've never worn a different elbow pad, so I'd welcome feedback here.

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I've worm mainly RBK 7K Pros and now Warrior AX1's. Both offer pro level protection and are a lot bulkier than what you're using. I prefer a heavy duty elbow pad that offers good elbow lock along with good forearm protection, my 7Ks were a size too big for me so I decided to switch to the Warrior's which are designed after the RBK's.


CCM Crazy Lights are an interesting pad, good protection, not bulky, and they use the u foam.

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