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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2014 Bauer Equipment

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So here is a question......if they are going to go to those fugly holders down the road why put out the edge ones now? Why not stay with regular LS2? seems like you are having retail spend a lot of extra money for a change 2 years down the road?

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It isn't a question I can't answer right now, but we'll just leave it at that people are making a lot of assumptions as to the availability of this product at the retail level.

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Bc they can show the type of company they are by constantly updating their products instead of rereleasing the same thing with a different name. It looks like each iteration of their updated skates does have enough improved to warrant an upgrade, will most jump every year to buy an $800 skate probs not but there is enough to push it.

The thing I'm more interested in is the video with the goalie leg pads, they looked very thin yet very stiff.

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Understanding the change of boot yes......the lower section being changed if indeed it is is a very hard thing to stock at retail. Well just have to wait for the release of the info. Hopefully it is not so. Ordering parts as needed if they are old or new is just a pain and costly in the end. Not to mention unhappy customers.

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You guys obviously didn't understand what I said.

NIt to be a smart ass but when I first saw this I thought it would be locked immediately especially bc you posted here and obviously saw the thread. But I figured it wasn't bc Bauer released the videos. But if this is supposed to be following the MSH rule of "no speculation just facts" (and it's ok if it does) then you'll need to lock the thread bc people will keep posting here. Those videos were made to start and keep people talking about speculation and rumors, and well as you see that's what it's doing

I'm all for waiting bc I rather get the right info then rumoured hype misguidance that other sites rely on.

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The issue is if the post were deleted, as it as, then another would be started. I considered locking the thread but figured my disclaimer post would be enough to deter speculation. It apparently didn't so I'll go ahead and lock now and reopen when it's time to.

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