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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Pad/Skate Help.

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I'm combining the two topics, Si I'll ask about both shoulders and skates.

I'm in Vapor XXs (skates obviously) and they kill my feet. Worst pain ever. Right on my inside ankle bones. I will be getting them XRayed this afternoon. My question is, Are the XXs anything like the ZAir Comp SE's? I want the Zair Comp SEs but I dont know how they will end up performance wise.

Reguarding shoulder pads, I was looking at the Nike V10. Do they offer good protection with a lot of manueverability along with low shoulder caps? For anyone that has them, how do you like them? Also, in HockeyMonkey's pic, it looks like the back pad comes up really high like linebackers have their's in football. Is this pick decieving, or does it come up that high?

Alright that's all. Any comments/recommendations are appreciated.

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Easton is a wider skate than Bauer. Very padded in the boot (not protection) but I've always found that their boots skate clunky. That and the blade isn't that great.

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One of my best friends has a pair of z-airs. He's broken the steel twice and cracked the holder, all in the last 6 weeks.

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Actually, he hates the boot. It fell apart pretty quickly considering the price. He borrowed my 4 year old 852s and won't give them back.

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I mean, my prooblem is that I just cannot wear Vapor XXs cause they just murder my ankles. I really do not know what skates to get. I was gonna see if I could order custom XXs with more ankle padding but I duno if they do that or not.

If I did get the Zair Comp SEs I was already planning on slapping Lightspeeds on there.

Anyone know if custom Vapor XXs are possible? Also, anyone know the Bauer/Nike Rep from the South Jersey area? I'm looking for a phone number or e-mail address. I believe SHE is a Pro Rep. I met her at Ice Works in Aston, but I didnt catch the name. She had a bunch of equipment for us to skate in.Including the 8090s.

Any info is greatly appreciated.

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I have the same ankle problem as you do with my Bauer 7000's. I think it's just the fact that Bauer's are not the right fit for me. I'd question whether you'd still have problems with a custom Bauer? I'm looking at the Vector Pro and the Mission S500, if I can find some nearby LHS that's going to carry the Mission's.

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My brother has had the s500s for about 6 months. He says they are the most comfy skate.I cant wear Mission though.

Yo Mojo, you never did give me the number to that shop you got those custom XN10s at...

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as for the Shoulder PAds, if you want old school style check out Brian Jackson's with Jackson Goal equipment, he made some for either Yzerman or Shanny, I don't remember who, and Iyes I am talking players pads, he is starting to make shoulder pads and fully custom I believe

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