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Bell Making the Cut

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Pretty decent. I missed the beginning on the Skills, but the rest was pretty cool. Kinda surprised Lou Dickenson didn't get taken, but he's already playing for Jack Birch in San Antonio.

As predicted earlier MTC on DVD. Probably be fun to watch...probably lots of extra footage.

Any idea why CBC didn't interview the 5th & 6th pick?

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I may have some of the teams & order wrong, but here is the list (as I remember it):

Edm - Jordan Little (Def)

Van - James Demone (Def)

Ott - Michael Mole (Goal)

Cal - Matt Hubbauer (Cen)

Mon - Kevin Lavalee (Def)

Tor - Domenic Noel (Cen)

I think the official list will go up on the MTC site after the West Coast airing at Midnight.

Hubbauer is currently playing for the Baby Learfs in St. John's on a tryout contract, so I wonder if he has to leave the team or not?

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i was at the live show, pretty good, some priceless moments like when they did a jack birch interview and my family happend to be right behind him, with my mom flipping out. il get the tape up tommorow, for the record im the one in the blue jacket and my brother is to right, followed by my mom and my uncle whos peaking his head in the screen for a couple of seconds

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They are just about to show the last pick. I missed the skills comp thing because I was playing halo.

I dont get why people keep booing though.

They weren't booing, they were saying Lou for Lou Dickenson, because he played for Mississauga in Junior.

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I saw Dominic Noel play often last year while I was studying at de UdeM. Good player, alot of people around here don't really like him and call him a loyalist because he decided to pursue his university studies in english instead of french (he was born in a french town and went to french schools all his life). He lives about 2h from here close to Bathurst.

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Nice series, it would have been cool if they played I final game though. I thought I heard some boos when Lavala went up for Montreal...anyone know what that was for.

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Nice series, it would have been cool if they played I final game though. I thought I heard some boos when Lavala went up for Montreal...anyone know what that was for.

They weren't booing, they were saying Lou for Lou Dickenson.

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Nice series, it would have been cool if they played I final game though. I thought I heard some boos when Lavala went up for Montreal...anyone know what that was for.

They weren't booing, they were saying Lou for Lou Dickenson.

Why? Cause they wanted Lou to get picked instead of Lavala.

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i'm glad mole got picked...i think he's got a really good chance with ottawa, as hasek will be out of there pretty quick.

i was hoping periard was gonna get picked up. he was my second fav out there, especially after that huge hit he had on power in the camp. i was surprised dickonson didn't get taken as well, but like they said early in the show, all the 18 there have been offered chances for other teams and universities out there, and i wouldn't be surprised if other nhl teams pick some of them up

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I thought Daniel Jacob was top six, but then again I am not a scout. Mike Keenan said he'd like to see another show done and open it up to Americans and Europeans as well.

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I wish we got this show in the States.

Maybe poeple would watch a reality show about hockey, but never a hockey game. IF they throw a pie in the face of the guy getting cut it would help too.

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I wish we got this show in the States.

I know Mike Keenan wants to see another one done with Canadians, Americans and Europeans so there is a good chance they will make another... Whether it will air anywhere outside Canada is another matter. Forget the pie in the face at the cut, just show more of the scouts in the war room, those guys rip the players apart.

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If everything goes well and they go to Moncton for the next season I might try out, last year I was about to go but the broken thumb incident left me iceless for 2 months.

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