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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skull Caps

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i am a sweat hog. I just pour, no matter what helmet I am wearing. What stopped the vision-impairing personal monsoon? That skull cap you have the link to.

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i am a sweat hog. I just pour, no matter what helmet I am wearing. What stopped the vision-impairing personal monsoon? That skull cap you have the link to.

haha this is awesome to hear. I have a brand new RBK 7k which is probably the most comfortable helmet I've found to fit my head. I sweat like crazy in it and it all runs down into my eyes. It doesn't help that I wear a cage, which makes it harder to deal with.

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Even the A&R skull caps help, and you can find those on sale quite often. Check Tron for those, they may have the $.99 ones still.

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Im the same - after a few shifts my eyes are bathing in sweat. I dont have the UA one, i got the sidelines version from ProHockeyLife


This is my 3rd season and it is just now starting to loose its tight fit. $12 for something that lasts 3 seasons is pretty good.

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Im the same - after a few shifts my eyes are bathing in sweat. I dont have the UA one, i got the sidelines version from ProHockeyLife


This is my 3rd season and it is just now starting to loose its tight fit. $12 for something that lasts 3 seasons is pretty good.

I am about 15 minutes from a Hockey Life! Next time I'm there I will look. Thanks a lot :laugh:

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I used to wear one occasionally. They definitely work but I found they made my head hot.

I've switched to NoSweat and now I get absolutely zero sweat in my eyes. Bloody fantastic product.


Optimus, I saw this product and read some peoples reviews that said they fall apart and don't stay put etc. You haven't ever had problems with them?

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I used to wear one occasionally. They definitely work but I found they made my head hot.

I've switched to NoSweat and now I get absolutely zero sweat in my eyes. Bloody fantastic product.


Optimus, I saw this product and read some peoples reviews that said they fall apart and don't stay put etc. You haven't ever had problems with them?

They fall apart like you'd expect any absorbent product to do. You will get 2-3 games out of one. Mine fell apart after 5 games and I never went that long again.

No issues at all with them not staying in place.

I really can't recommend them enough.

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I tried this but found it made things to hot.

My solution was to cut a towel up 1" x 5" and place it on the inside front of your helmet. You don't even have to stick it there, your forehead will keep it in place. It works and is something you can do right now.

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