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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best way to stick velco on under armour/spandex (super glue, glue gun, etc)

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Ive been using these for a while now and I really like them a lot:

http://www.hockeymonkey.com/shockdoctor-acbasixcompjocksr.html (not the exact pair, but same thing)

I was gonna buy a few more so I would always have a clean pair, but I would rather now spend the money if I can help it.

I have a lot of under armour that I used to use for other sports lying around. I was thinking all I would need to do was fasten some velcro on there somehow, and I would basically have the same thing (i wear a jock under the compression shorts, so I dont need to cup pocket. btw this feels SO much better if you have never tried it)

I have a bunch of the little velcro tabs that come with socks when you buy them, so all I need to figure out is how to get them on.

I was thinking of either using a glue gun or some kind of super glue. I think stitching would be a bad idea since it would probably just rip off.

Anyone ever do this before? Any suggestions?

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probs sewing would be the best. Glue gun may come undone in the washer dryer as it heats back up, super glue will make the area hard and scratchy once the glue starts to crack. usually for Velcro square or rectangle tabs they stitch the outside then make an x across the middle.

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Speedy stitcher. I've never used it on underarmour but I use it on Edge socks all the time to put Velcro on the back of them.. Repaired many elbow pads, shoulder pads and hockey bags with it as well.

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