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Bauer Vapor x100/APX Break in/Lace bite

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I just exchanged my TotalOne NXGs because of fitment issues and ended up with a pair of Vapor x100 LEs. For those of you who dont know the x100 is the APX skate with the new holder and a new tongue. The second day of wearing them I am getting pretty bad lace bite. Not the pinching kind but the "the boot is so stiff that its digging into my ankle" kind.

Things to keep in mind: The first day I wore them I didn't have the issue as bad but I did just change the laces to the recommended unwaxed 96 which are too small. They are laced inside to out.

Do these break in? Or am I stuck with this issue?

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It took a while for me to get the right tightness in the laces before my apx felt right, my boot was rubbing at the top by the top eye I don't use the top eyelet anymore and it made the difference for me. Prior skates were to nxg's and x60's..I also replaced the tounges with Graf felts which helped

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The tongues in the x100 are 52 oz felt tongues. I just didn't know because people say break them in and then I think of the boot being full composite and dont really know how they're supposed to actually break in.

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Elite makes a lace-bite pad that I use on my RBZ's. Had pretty bad lace bite when I started wearing them, but since I put the pads in, I've been lace bite-free.

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I've found that lace bite is usually due to an improper fit. When I had lace bite, it was because I was wearing a 1/2-1 size too large, so my ankle sat too far forward. But, when I had the right size, the only other way I've had lace bite was when I tightened my skates wayyyyy too tight.

BUT If you're positive that you have the right fit, then try:

- Wearing compression socks (if you need more padding on the ankle, you can try the Stable 26 sock)

- Try lacing outside to inside, but lace the last two eyelets at the top inside to outside

- Replace the insole -- your ankle may be sitting too high or too low. Try some Superfeet insoles or try CCM insoles (with CCM, you can choose between low, med, and high arch).

- Bake 'em

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They have been baked. I tried on a pair of 8d in the x90s and couldn't even get my foot in. The x100s will be the same story. Someone mentioned tying the bottom 3 tight...middle just snug and top two tight. I haven't tried leaving the top eyelet unlaced but usually I become too bendy when I do. Maybe from constant retightening during skates is doing it. I must retighten my top eyelet or two several times during a skate.

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I definitely don't recommend leaving the top eyelet unlaced. That's where a lot of the ankle support comes from.

Try using cheap waxed laces for retying issues. But again, don't tie them too tight. It should feel snug, but not cut off your circulation nor cause lace bite.

(I had the similar problems with my NXG retail unwaxed laces. They would always come loose about 20 minutes into a game.)

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Laces are cheap, buy a couple of pairs and chop then into 2 or 3 sections, your choice (heat shrink tubing works great to seal off the ends). Then lace your boots with the sections and tie each section in a different tightness. This way you can experiment with how the boot feels and determine which cross section of lace is causing the problem, typically its just one cross over of the lace that has all the pressure, remove this pressure and the lace bite goes away. Once you have isolated exactly where the problem is you can try different solutions to alleviate the pain: a different lace pattern for that area, skip the area all together (this is what I do), lace bite pads, option B straps.

Vapours are a shallower boot and if you don't pass the pencil test in them you have to find an answer for lace bite.

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I skated on my x90s and didn't get any lace bite until they started breaking down. I found I was tying everything else too loose and my foot must have been shifting around

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I use the X100, and have experienced similar things. I have a number of modifications to the way I wear them.

1) I keep the eyelet unlaced. This is a personal preference thing, and allows me to have greater forward flex in the skate. I don't mind a little bit less support, as my ankles are pretty strong and I'm used to softer skates before this one anyways.

2) Elite ankle lace bite pad. It helps somewhat.

3) Silipos gel wrap: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004E5MK5A/ref=oh_details_o02_s01_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. I take the 10" tube and cut it in half, and wrap them around both ankles. It's very comfortable.

4) Bunga gel pads: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000289YZC/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. These little circular pads are great for high wear areas. They're held in place by the Silipos gel wrap.

5) Superfeet: low profile, keeps my fit locked in and comfy.

All of these things have pretty much killed the lace bite/wear issue.

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I tried the outside to inside lacing around the house ajd it didn't seem any better. I did try skipping the second eyelet and that seemed to help most... around the house anyway. Would that hurt my skate? Skipping the second eyelet? I've only skated on them twice in pickup hockey so far

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I've tried the outside in and inside out. Skipping the 2nd eyelet... everything. Im taking them to the skate shop in town and they said they have a fix for the lace bite that lasts for the life of the skate. They're charging $40.00 and they're going to take the tongue apart and do some surgery

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You could always try one of these: http://www.icewarehouse.com/descpage.html?pcode=ELACEPAD

They didn't work for me, but perhaps it'll work for you.

If these are brand new skates, the tongue shouldn't have broken down unless they were improperly heated (like in a kitchen oven). I hope their $40 fix does the trick, if not, you can try these guys: http://theskatersedge.com/. They seem to offer some custom tongues and repair services for a reasonable price.

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I've found that lace bite is usually due to an improper fit. When I had lace bite, it was because I was wearing a 1/2-1 size too large, so my ankle sat too far forward. But, when I had the right size, the only other way I've had lace bite was when I tightened my skates wayyyyy too tight.

BUT If you're positive that you have the right fit, then try:

- Wearing compression socks (if you need more padding on the ankle, you can try the Stable 26 sock)

- Try lacing outside to inside, but lace the last two eyelets at the top inside to outside

- Replace the insole -- your ankle may be sitting too high or too low. Try some Superfeet insoles or try CCM insoles (with CCM, you can choose between low, med, and high arch).

- Bake 'em

Actually, you should lace the top eyelets outside - in as well. It will spread out the point of contact significantly.

They have been baked. I tried on a pair of 8d in the x90s and couldn't even get my foot in. The x100s will be the same story. Someone mentioned tying the bottom 3 tight...middle just snug and top two tight. I haven't tried leaving the top eyelet unlaced but usually I become too bendy when I do. Maybe from constant retightening during skates is doing it. I must retighten my top eyelet or two several times during a skate.

If you don't have the ankle strength to leave them unlaced, then make sure they are laced up. I prefer waxed laces, and lacing them outside - in the whole way up. The wax will allow you to leave an area looser than others but will slip a lot less. Lacing from the outside will also disperse the pressure at the ankle, preventing lace bite from forming again once you heal.

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Actually, you should lace the top eyelets outside - in as well. It will spread out the point of contact significantly.

At the time when I had sizing issues with my skates,I tried doing that. But I found that the skates became too loose overall. I had a hard time getting any ankle support. I spoke to a friend of mine who works at a LHS and he suggested to do the inside-outside on the top two eyelets, so that you could maintain the heel support but also maintain a looser boot from the top-down.

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At the time when I had sizing issues with my skates,I tried doing that. But I found that the skates became too loose overall. I had a hard time getting any ankle support. I spoke to a friend of mine who works at a LHS and he suggested to do the inside-outside on the top two eyelets, so that you could maintain the heel support but also maintain a looser boot from the top-down.

Outside - in should actually provide more ankle support, as there is more lace in contact with your leg and there is no reason you can't get it as tight.

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I decided to entertain the pencil test. Took the laces out and put my bare foot in. Not only could you NOT fit a pencil in any eye let... all you could see was FOOT when you look through them...

I tried on the APX2 to see if the new lacing system would help. It did but the issue would follow me for sure

-Tried on the Easton RS... no just no.

-NXG again? Same issue

-Nexus 600? Just to see if the fit was better because they only had 600s... comfy, great heel and ankle support and stability but from the center of my foot to the toe? SWIMMING!

I took the x100s back and have a $700.00 credit to apply to the new lines. Im waiting on the Ribcor, Tacks, MX3 and Nexus 8000s. They are saying the Tacks are an anatomical version of the RBZ which sounds great. They said I shouldn't get my hopes up on the MX3 though but the NEXUS 8000s should be an epic change but I bet Ill be in a pair of Ribcor or Tacks all said and done. Now I have to wait...

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Damn, that sucks. Seems like you may live to up your screen-name and benefit from a customized boot. You can go through a LHS rep and get some customized boots from one of the big guys (Bauer, CCM, Easton, etc.) OR more recently, I've been eying some customized boots from VH footwear, which you may find more appealing: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/63437-vh-footwear/


If I had the money, I'd go with VH. More of anatomical fit inside the boot versus the standard, generic box-like fit. Also, they're made in Canada!

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I just bought some x100s aswell. 3 games in and I've still got majour pain in my feet. Just everywhere. I havent broke in skates in 3 years so is this kinda normal? They were baked, and fitted properly from a reputable shop. I have had all my skates done there with no issues in the past. So I doubt it's a figment issue.

I did go from x60s to the x100 and understand it's a stiffer boot ect. But just wondering if I should be concerned, or if anyone has suggestions or should I see improvements in for at game 6,7,8 ect

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I decided to entertain the pencil test. Took the laces out and put my bare foot in. Not only could you NOT fit a pencil in any eye let... all you could see was FOOT when you look through them...

Wait, did you try to put a pencil IN/through the eyelets?

Could you explain to us how you did the pencil test?

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