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Gloves for hands which are not PorkChops

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So I'm looking for new gloves. Have tried on as many as I can find, which is not many since I'm in an area which doesn't have any hockey shops. I would need to go down to Hell-A to try on stuff, and that just is in the cards for the foreseeable future.

I think I have 'normal' hands. Not overly meaty, not too thin. Mostly fit XL gloves in size, but occasionally I can fit a Large. Have been in 15s, especially since I don;t like to leave the forearm exposed to slashes.

I prefer a 'not loose' fit, snug but not tight.

Everything I've tried on is loose to downright 'fall off the hands' floppy. Have tried Bauer, CCM & Sherwood 4 rolls, RBK Pro stuff, warrior Pro Stuff. All are some variation of too loose for my taste.

I'm just playin Shinny, so just about any 'level' of glove is gonna be alright for me.

Anyone with 'normal' to thin hands, and likes a snug fit - Any Suggestions on models I should try to find?

suggestions much appreciated

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Bauer APX Gloves may work, they're a tapered fit and a bit more snug. If you want to protect your forarm, perhaps you should slap on some elbow pads and try and not make up for protection by using an oversized glove. a 15' glove is huge, Zdeno Chara uses a 14.5 inch glove.

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Bauer APX Gloves may work, they're a tapered fit and a bit more snug. If you want to protect your forarm, perhaps you should slap on some elbow pads and try and not make up for protection by using an oversized glove. a 15' glove is huge, Zdeno Chara uses a 14.5 inch glove.

It all depends on how your hand is built. If you have longer fingers, you often have to go to a larger size glove. On some of the older Bauer or Easton gloves, the fingers ended around my bottom knuckle. Ideally, I would have a 14" glove with 1/4" longer fingers but I often have to go to 15" gloves in order to get a reasonable fit. I believe Chara's gloves are also modded and not a direct retail glove.

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Bauer APX Gloves may work, they're a tapered fit and a bit more snug. If you want to protect your forarm, perhaps you should slap on some elbow pads and try and not make up for protection by using an oversized glove. a 15' glove is huge, Zdeno Chara uses a 14.5 inch glove.

I'll try to find some APXs to try on... is that similar to the 'vapor' glove line ??? I have not seen any of these at the rink - they seem to push Warrior...

15s can be big (new CCM 4 rolls seem that way) or they can be almost too small - tried a pr of older Kohos - 15 - and could barely get my hand in, and the palms were super short....

I do have a bit longer arms which means my forearm is prolly a little longer than the avg, so there's often a large gap at the 'glove' overlap with all the elbow pads I've tried. The gap is prety big on many 14s, I don;t know how tall guys find stuff that fits them.

And I'm not anxious to open up that area. In the shinny sessions around here - slashing is very common after about 30-40 minutes of play. Guys start getting tired and stop movin their feet - they make up for it with more 'stick work'...

I've gotten slashed hard enough to stop using the CCM 4 rolls I bought (in 14) because of the gap; and have gone back to my antique CCM ProGuards from '84... But they are clunky...

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Alternatively you can also pull out the liner and put some extra foam in to make the fit more snug. All you have to do is pull out the liner, put the foam on the backhand, then put the liner back in. That should snug up the fit. This is what I have taken to doing with my gloves as I have thin hands and prefer a snug but not tight fit.

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I'll try to find some APXs to try on... is that similar to the 'vapor' glove line ??? I have not seen any of these at the rink - they seem to push Warrior...

15s can be big (new CCM 4 rolls seem that way) or they can be almost too small - tried a pr of older Kohos - 15 - and could barely get my hand in, and the palms were super short....

I do have a bit longer arms which means my forearm is prolly a little longer than the avg, so there's often a large gap at the 'glove' overlap with all the elbow pads I've tried. The gap is prety big on many 14s, I don;t know how tall guys find stuff that fits them.

And I'm not anxious to open up that area. In the shinny sessions around here - slashing is very common after about 30-40 minutes of play. Guys start getting tired and stop movin their feet - they make up for it with more 'stick work'...

I've gotten slashed hard enough to stop using the CCM 4 rolls I bought (in 14) because of the gap; and have gone back to my antique CCM ProGuards from '84... But they are clunky...

You can bridge the gap between glove and elbow pad by wearing a slash guard. It is basically a wristband that has padding. Find a glove that is comfortable for your hand and then supplement protection with a slash guard. That will be much easier than trying to find a glove that fits your hand and goes up to your elbow pad.

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6'3" with 6'5" wingspan. The Bauer Vapor is my favorite line by far. Currently I'm using x:60 pros but the APX pros are just as nice. 14" gloves, they fit great.

I thought I'd like the CL500's but I didn't. I like how the new Easton HSX looks and can't wait to try them out.

However, I hate gloves with high wrist guards.

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How tall are you and what elbow pads do you currently use? And yes the APX is a Vapor glove.

5' 10 1/2", but very short torso, long legs and arms

I'll look for the Vapor line, the Sherwoods and the Eagle PPF...

And thanks to some comments from Chadd on his review of the Winwell Pro Stocks - I should try them also.

Anything in the Eastons?

Elbows are Easton EQ30s - forearm pad length is about the same for all the elbow pads I looked at.

The rink shop had some slash guards - tried them on - not for me, Just another piece of equipment and no confidence that it would do anything for a hard slash. At for them to work, they're gonna be really tight and cutting off some circulation - not for me...

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I'll try to find some APXs to try on... is that similar to the 'vapor' glove line ??? I have not seen any of these at the rink - they seem to push Warrior...

Yes, they are the Vapor APX. The higher end vapor gloves are very nice and much more snug.

6'3" with 6'5" wingspan. The Bauer Vapor is my favorite line by far. Currently I'm using x:60 pros but the APX pros are just as nice. 14" gloves, they fit great.

I really like those X60 pros, really nice gloves. I would replace the palm, but that's just my own personal issue.

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just a followup on my end - was able to try on a pair of Bauer Vapor Pros - liked them well enough (think they might be last yrs model). They were a comfortable fit on th snug side, in the palms, and quite open in the wrist/cuff. Finger length (in 15) was just right for my slightly longer fingers. So I got them. I think they'll work out fine; although I would have liked to also find some Supremes to compare...

The inside top-of-palm sweat liner does tend to pop out a bit, when the hand gets sweaty. I have some ideas on how to prevent that... more on that later...

Otherwise, I like them, no break-in needed.

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Yea the top of hand liner always seems to come out for me too, when I wear tight gloves. Not usually a problem though, it goes back into place when I put my hand back in the glove.

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