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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Time for new skates

I want to stay in CCMs because they fit my foot shape best. I currently have U+ 08s and love them but they are breaking down. I skate 2-3 a week.

My choices are U+12 or going a lower model RBZ like 80 or the 75, the price of both is just right. Am I getting more skate in the U+12 or are the RBZs that much better or just newer?

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FWIW I had the same dilemma...I chose the 12s over the two RBZ lines mainly because of more higher end features. The 75s aren't even heat moldable. That was a major deterrent to me.

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The things that sold me on the 12s were the upgraded Clarino liner (RBZ 80s have microfiber) and the 12s have a perforated footbed that works simbiotically with the vented outsole. (the 80s were not). They both have a heavy duty padded tongue, they both have the surlyn (golfball) material on the quarter package. The 80s while 50 grams lighter and 4mm higher (4.0 holder) did not seem worth the ADDITIONAL $60

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So anyone know what skates fit most like my beloved U+ 12s?

I tried some RBZ but dropped down to a 5.5 E from my U+ 6E and there is no room for my high arched adult foot. Is the new CCM Tacks line something I should look forward to?

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Nobody knows how the new Tacks will fit. Why not get new U+ 12s if you liked them so much? They're on massive sale in a pretty wide range of sizes. You could even bump up to the CLs if you wanted for the price.

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Yesterday I saw some U+Pros marked down to $200 at SportChek here in Canada. There are so many sales on the U+ series right now that I would go that way if you really loved yours.

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You guys are right. I should go that route and just prepare to swap the e pros as it appears they have stopped stocking them online. I go through a holder or 2 every 6 months.

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12s are lighter than CL by a few grams. Not noticeable. Bad name choice by CCM though.

CLs are probably slightly stiffer, but most non-pro players won't notice.

Liners also seem slightly different -- the CLs come with grip Clarino whereas the 12 is just regular wicking clarino. I wouldn't even call this an upgrade. More of a preference.

Some might say the foams in the CLs are better. I don't put much stock in that.

Runner, holder, outsole, surlyn quarters, moldability, tongue are all identical.

In short, go with the 12 unless you really need different colors or you get such a discount on the CLs that the price difference is negligible.

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Only color available for the CLs at $260 is Green which I hate, I think the 12s look like they are the winner. The same website has the 12s for only $190 but of course they do not have them in my size. I will go probably with the 12s from hockeymonkey. If I buy skates from them online do they charge to bake in store? I couldn't find any info on this.

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the CLs are now out of stock so hockey monkey it is. Do they bake for free if you purchase online?

Does who bake for free? I would gladly pay a reasonable fee if I took my skates to get baked at a LHS after buying them online. Or are you asking if your local HM bakes for free even though you bought them online from them? Pretty sure if you bring your receipt/proof of purchase HM will bake for free.

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^ I just texted my friend whom is a Supervisor at HM that question for you, please stand by.

***He said, yes they will bake for free, just be sure to bring proof of purchase/receipt***

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^ I just texted my friend whom is a Supervisor at HM that question for you, please stand by.

***He said, yes they will bake for free, just be sure to bring proof of purchase/receipt***


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