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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Stealth RS Skates on Closeout...are they worth it?

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Kind of late to the party but hockeymonkey had an almost "too good to be true" sale on Easton Stealth RS skates so I picked a pair of them up. Can anybody provide insight as to what I am in for? I have been a loyal Nike/Bauer user for 15 years and usually wait until new models come out to go get last year's TOL model but like I said, the RS's could be had for a song so I jumped on them.

Is the rocker similar to Bauer's? Meaning will I fall flat on my face when I hop on the ice with these puppies next week?

How are they holding up? I know Easton gets knocked for their durability but honestly, I haven't seen any pictures of how they fall apart.

Would you buy them again (if you have them)?

Am I going to end up sending them back after I try them on?

Enlighten me!

Thanks guys!

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I think Easton has constantly made better skates since the s15. imo, you can't go wrong, except if they don't fit...

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I've been on a pair of RS since mid December and have been pretty happy in them. I did have to shave some steel off of the heel and toe but other than that I haven't had any issues outside of a couple hot spots that I need to tweak.

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Awesome. They should be here Weds and I'll get them sharpened and baked and on the ice 6am Thursday. I'm expecting a couple weeks worth of break in but hoping they are an easy transition and a solid choice.

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I just received mine. I felt like the deal was too good to pass up. They feel great out of the box. Haven't had them on the ice yet.

Thanks for the tip on the blades, Chippa. It was part of what helped me decide to go with these.

Interestingly, the 8.5 Eastons have a 272 holder. I've been on 280s (in size 8.5 CCM/RBK )for as long as I can remember. I wonder if the "extra" steel on the toe and heel might effectively make it feel like a the slightly longer blade that I'm used to.

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I wound up making a similar switch from 280 custom + on my last pair to the 272 Easton holder and I still felt like there was way too much heel and toe.

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I skated in the RS skates for a year and a half and have nothing buy good things to say about them. Loved everything about them

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Best deal going in skates right now, especially if you have a junior skater. My Daughter plays peewee aaa and has skated on them for a year after coming off S17s and then Vapor X7.0, and she wants another pair now that they are getting a little tight. She loves new gear and I was ready to go with Mako skates, but she loves the RS skates. She is on the ice 4-5 times a week and has never once complained of discomfort.

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Love mine, although I did have to replace my 1st pair because I didn't notice 1 of the blades was bent until I started having issues(misaligned holder)...

Put it this way, I was all set to spend $200 on a set of decent skates, none fit that great(different issues), UNTIL I tried on the RS...

I ended up spending 200 MORE than I intended/wanted to , but I didn't bat an eye after 5 hrs of trying on different skates.

The fit differences weren't even close, they were perfect for my feet....."there goes another 2 beans....SOLD!"

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If they weren't so narrow in the toe box, I probably wouldn't have purchased my Nexus 400, then Reebok 16K. I could have bought A LOT MORE skate for my money, even in December. I know a few who are very happy with their purchase.

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