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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Frontier Visors

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Has anyone used or heard of this company? And if used how are they? The F82, F8.5, and F8.8 look promising. Just wondering of quality and feedback.


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I currently have an Oakley V904. I just tried mounting a Frontier F 8.5. The Frontier makes the sides of my Bauer 5100 M helmet bow out a little near the temples. Of note, the spacers that come with the Frontier are thinner than the ones I use with the Oakley. Depending on what my LHS has to say about that, I might just exchange the Frontier for another Oakley.

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I use one, I've never used a Oakley or any other visor before so I can't compare. I've had no real issues with it and have been using it for inline for about a year and a half now. Had a minor crystallization problem with it, but realized it was because it was sitting in my helmet bag with a sweaty towel for a few days at a time. It was fixed once I used the spray it came with and made sure to take it out the the bag.

It held up against quite a few high sticks and a skate to the face and has no scratches. I got mine for a guy I play with that's a rep for them, not sure how much they sell for but it was worth the $30 I gave him.

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