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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blade pattern recommendations

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hey everyone - been doing some searching on this, but thought i'd just dive in and get some recommendations.

looking for a lower lie, closed face, squared toe pattern and am having trouble. the easton heatley seemed to fit the bill but its discontinued. been looking at the reebok hedman.

any other suggestions? I'm a beginner with a hall pattern easton stick - playing shinny i dont need to raise the puck, and my current goals are to improve at taking the puck from better players and not lose it to them or bungle passes i receive.

thanks for any help.

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pics look like tavares has square toe, but it is described as round, and the lie is high at 6. i'm getting wear at the heel of my blade and missing pucks under the toe most often - when reaching and when my hands drop. thats why i'd like to try a square toe with a 5 or under lie (based on my current easton 5.5 - i understand different brands have different lie measurements).

then adding a closed face (since i don't need to raise the puck more than a few inches for some saucer passes, i figure i'd have a real trapping machine - especially on defence.

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I have the CS Lacavalier and Tavares.

Lac listed as 5.5, Tavares listed as a 6.

The Tavares does have a square toe, the Lacavalier is round.

The toe end of the Tavares is a little thinner than the Lacavalier, and the lie is a lil higher...Tavares is slightly more open.

I've just gotten back into hockey,so I'm not a stick afficianado, but these sticks seem like a good deal for $80(clearance at Monkey).

When I lay the sticks on top of each other, the Tavares is shorter at the heel by around a 1/4 inch(shaft/toe lined up).

I got intermediates, say 65 flex.

Patterns are pretty close.

I only have 1 other stick I have is a DT5LT(Zetterberg) and that thing feels like a lead weight in comparison....I use it for pond hockey.


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took my easton to a shop today - both tavares and zetterberg lies (ccm 6 and warrior 4) were lower than my hall 5.5 and both toes were squarer than the hall - either would help my game i think - although both brands were shorter so i may need to add a couple of inches (especially to a ccm).

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took my easton to a shop today - both tavares and zetterberg lies (ccm 6 and warrior 4) were lower than my hall 5.5 and both toes were squarer than the hall - either would help my game i think - although both brands were shorter so i may need to add a couple of inches (especially to a ccm).

CCM uses a different lie scale than Easton, a 6 from CCM is roughly a 5 from Easton. In the case of that Warrior, it's one lower than the Easton equivalent.

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yes they both were about the same amount lower - like an easton 5 compared to my 5.5 - just enough difference to help keep the toe down reaching for passes etc.

surprised at how much shorter a senior ccm is than a senior easton - my easton is barely long enough for me at 6'2.

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if you aren't sure what pattern would work for you go with the 2 piece stick. way cheaper and it gives you the option of trying different blades pretty easily. or get wood blades in a lie that you like and take the torch to it and make your own curve. when I started playing I went with the Easton Zetterberg. nice flat curve, flat rocker so most of your stick is on the ice and a low lie to encourage a deep knee bend. it will take a little while to get used to any curve. you just gotta stick with it.

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thats a good idea - i feel like i could get used to most curves, but my sticks' lie is just a bit high - add something a bit more closed (and flatter rocker like you mention) it will lessen the chance of losing pucks when reaching a bit.

is the current zetterberg the same as the old easton?

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Warrior's Zetterberg is different from Easton's Zetterberg. The Warrior is a mid curve that's a little bit more open. Its a bit closer to Easton's Heatley, just with a rounder toe and I believe a longer blade.

Easton's old Zetterberg is now the Cammalleri/ P4.(Originally Easton's Modano pattern). It's a slight mid heel, closed, 5 lie. Warrior's equivalent is the W01 Burrows. Bauer's is the PM9 Stamkos.

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I use Warrior Kovalchuk. I think it is everything you are looking for, and I pretty much have same goals as you (keep puck down on shots, receive passes cleanly, etc.)

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sounds like he wants a p88 clone. I too suffer from a beginner malady, what I call scaredy-passes - where I flip the puck up instead of making nice passes along the ice when under pressure. The closed face is nice for little stuff like that. I feel like I get more blade behind the puck instead of it wanting to flip open and over the top.

Hedman, CCMs Thorton, Warrior Zetterberg, Bauer p88, sherwood pp88, those should all be ok. It seems like there should be a database of curves and their clones somewhere.

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ordered a ccm rbz 80 tavares - 75 flex senior stick from lhs - lie and toe feel great in the store. hopefully helps my game. will report back after i use it - thanks for suggestions everyone.

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used the stick a few times - lower lie has meant i need it several inches longer than my easton hall, which makes it a little less nimble. also feels/sounds a bit pingy and it's a mid flex with a few added inches so it does bend/vibrate.

but hand position and puck control are great. changed out extension for added length and now have taken an inch off that - so will keep refining, but the tavares blade pattern is way more solid keeping puck on stick.

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