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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Interesting piece on the Finnish goalies and their history

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Well done article. The NHL GM who ignores Selanne and Kurri is an idiot. The Tragically Hip reference was also good to see.

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Well done article. The NHL GM who ignores Selanne and Kurri is an idiot. The Tragically Hip reference was also good to see.

He probably meant current players, not all time top 50. But, I agree, a very well written story. Thanks OP for the link.

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Interesting piece. The "one bad goal or a string of them could end a career" is pretty telling about how mentally tough you need to be to play the position. I have even more respect for goalies now, than I did before..

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what I found really interesting was the focus on "feeling" and controlling the puck instead of just blocking it. I've never played goalie competitively (beside a 1-game stint in novice, back when everyone took turns in net), but I've always had a hunch that it was the best way to approach the position. seems like goalies would be well served cross-training with ball sports which force them to use different parts of their bodies (soccer, volleyball, ping-pong, tennis, etc.).

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