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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate advice

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I've basically profiled my foot out as a Supreme or CCM U+ D width. Looking at skates around 200-300 right now, trying to go with outgoing and discontinued models to get more bang for the buck. Of these skates, which is the best performance for value proposition (assuming fit is the same).

Bauer One.7

CCM U+ 12


Rbk 16k

Easton 85s

I'd also consider the One.8 but I'm trying to stay away from that jump in price. LHS has been great about offering to order these in for me.

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One.7 was 359 a month ago, have they dropped in price?

Easton RS has just dropped again to 329 @ Monkey.

Not sure of fit difference from the 85S.

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Now it's $279 for One.7, $379 for One.8. Store has been flexible on pricing and has been willing to match online prices.

U+12 buy and maybe the Eastons would be online only.

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Well for the price range I'd go with the rbz, the 16 k, or wait a few weeks and get the 28k that replaces the 16 k. It will retail for 299 and I believe the rbz is only on sale fir 279. If you go Reebok though you'll probably need an ee width as the run smaller than the rbz. I've tried on both this week and I'm a d in rbz and ee in the 16/28k

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Depends what you are looking for out of your skates, and what you are coming from.

Overall best skate in my opinion? U+12. Will require some break in time.
Most comfortable out of the box? Probably One.7 or RBZ 80

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Comfort is key. Mostly a power north-south skater, not a ton of dipsy doodling. I'm a D but won't hesitate to jump into the play.

Coming from Mission L7, was a little too narrow for my foot and didn't accommodate weird protruding bones on my instep well. Boot also broke down on me way too fast for an higher end skate -- probably a combo of shot blocking and not working well with my forward lean. Visible folds around 5th/6th eyelet.

Is the jump in stiffness/liner quality between the One.7 and One.8 enough to justify the price difference for a 180 pound player that does lean on skates pretty hard? Don't care much about the difference between outsoles. Not a weight nutjob.

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since boot fit and overall skate feel is something only you can decide, that leaves little technicalities. For instance, my Bauers (9.5D) have 280 runners and a MOD'd 9 ft radius. My CCMs, also 9.5D, have 287 runners with the stock CCM profile/10 ft radius. They definitely skate different...

A 9.5 Bauer in EE will have a 288 runner...

... of course profiles can be and are altered... if a 'stock' gets you pretty close, then maybe that's a consideration.

QC differences ???

runners and runner attachment ???

as for Easton - I'm clueless

But if you like the off-the-shelf profile of a company, that might help the decision.

I decidely have a CCM profile preference. There is a noticeable skating feel difference between my CCM Vectors and the Vapors. Boot stiffness differences less so and both boots fit nicely...

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Just after Christmas, Sportchek and National Sports both had the One.8 on sale for $249.99, so I would expect to see that price again very soon.

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