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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gionta curve types

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I picked up a Warrior Dynasty with a Gionta curve and really like it. I know the W28 Yakupov and E28 are similar but how similar? It looks like they both open up at the toe considerably more than the Gionta. Anybody have a comparison photo maybe? I can't find a W28 or E28 at any of my LHSs.

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They're clones, so pretty similar...

The W28 is an E28 clone, correct, but neither is a Gionta (W10) clone. They are all toe curves though.

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This is the curve I have been using on my wood sticks for a few years now. I made a jig so that I could keep the curve consistent. I like a closed blade as I have no trouble getting the puck up.



Gionta on the top and E28 on the botttom. Gionta has a lower lie, way less rocker on the toe and the curve starts later.

Thanks. That is quite the difference in rocker. If only I could find an E28 or W28 around here to actually compare in hand.

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The W28 is an E28 clone, correct, but neither is a Gionta (W10) clone. They are all toe curves though.

Yah I was referring to the curves that are named exactly the same being clones, Easton28 vs Warrior28!

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