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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Profiling in the Show

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Hey Guys,

I,m curious about what the most common Profiles are in the NHL.

Normal radius like 9' for example

or Combo-Radius like 7'/13'

or Triple radius like Zuperior (6'/13'/26'')

or a flat gluiding surface like 30/60?

I think you know what i mean now. I am interested in the method not in the exact numbers. I had to explain it on such a stupid way because my english is not my native language.

Thank you guys


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Depends on the equipment manager on each team. Many of them have their own preferences and try to convince their players to use what they like.

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Ok and you couldn't eliminate some of these methods? Or maybe you guys could tell me what the trainer from detroit or an other team is preferring?

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flat gluiding surface like 30/60 and combo profile like 9/10

This pic has been posted several times before but here's what Dana Heinze does for the Pens:


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Detroit is basically Max Edge combos but as Chadd mentioned some trainers watch the players and suggest things. Others have there default for position and then adjust according to feed back. I know in Toronto they use every method. They have a Cag a Pro Sharp the Blademaster CRM6 as well as the Max Edge Templates. Basically if the player knows what he likes he gets it in Toronto. If there not sure he just plays with it till the player is happy.

I am sure there are a lot of teams that do the same in the NHL as you go down they have less money for this stuff and use the easiest fastest method that trainer feels works best for him.

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Ah thanks for your answers.

I think it is superstition hat they use different systems. A 9/10 radius should be the same no matter how they dit it (if they did it correctly).

So most of the guys are using combo-radius with little diffrence like 9/10 or a flat gliding surface.

So the crazy prosharp stuff like 7/13 or 6/13/26 are unusual?

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You can also find a lot of sharpening specs stickered on pro-used skates on eBay. Who knows how often those specs get changed, but at least it's a snapshot of what some players have. Quickly looking, today I found specs for Pavelski, Kopitar, and Justins Williams and Faulk that way.

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Most teams I've dealt with/talk to have the Cag machine either stock or lease the Wally Tatomir Cag that has his own custom programmed settings. Along with the Cag they usually have a traditional radius method i.e. Blademaster or Maximum Edge.

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That with game-used skates was a nice idea. I found an old nike from datsyuk's rookie season stemped with 9/10, zetterberg 9/10 from 2008, pavelski 12/13 and a lot of guys with cag profiles. Most of them with 35/65. I didn't find anything special till now.

Two things that still bothering me:

1) How do I compare Cag profiles with a Radius-Profil? I know a skate should be profiled with a radius first before putting it on the cag. But which radius do they they use then?

60cm gluiding surface should be near a surface of a 13' radius but it looks like it would feel more like a 9/10. Somebody got some experience with it?

2) Do you know some Players who uses a bigger Profile. Till now i found Pavelski 12/13,Forsberg 13 and some Defense like coffey and gonchar.

P.S. Forgive me my English please


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